Empyrean Slave
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you are just adding more complexity to his character, you can't change a person if the soul of that character is already evil. I wouldn't even be surprised if Sukuna suddenly takes over the body and starts slaughtering the whole country just because He wants too. Past life ≠ Different personalities
Why does bro have this kind of mindset and as far as I remember Sukuna is not like this, if that we're me I don't mind slaughtering an Alien race with domain expansion + mahoraga who can tank almost all attack if its not 1 shot
it's not an op mc at the start okay? this story starts with mc being the weakest of all the master in the Holy Grail War while also the smartest master in the Holy Grail War
The mc is from another anime series called code geass, it's just basically an transmigration after his supposed death. you can watch the anime it has 2 seasons so you can understand the character build of the MC
Sorry but Rhogomyniad is the counter for EA, while EA is a weapon to turn the world to it's magma state and Rhogomyniad is a weapon that holds world together and makes it stay the way it was
ohh that's why I always have....
no it's actually not, try watching Tokyo Raven it's a Japanese onmyodo, a sealing technique for evil beings
ohhh and Kiichi also mentioned that she has a daughter maybe.... just maybe Merlin and Kiichi.