

2023-07-24 UnidoGlobal

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  • DaoisttwG3qW
    Respondeu a Rizky_Wibisono_4072

    chapter17 and i'm already fed up... What's so interesting about the MC telling his story to who ever want to to listen? During his 1st nightmare he follow the wrong pp knowing there was trap ahead of it, and each time he survive was no because he was witty but coz plot armor. I find quite useless to read a story on a slave. The MC's flaw he can't lie...but it never said that he is forced to say the truth. Can't lie and forced to tell the truth are 2different concept but the author seems to think it being the same. Anyway, it's like reading a novel about a MC who can level up infinitly... but you find out later that the infinity is similar to an asymptote curve that tends from 0 to 1 while other are limited to a level between 0 to 300. As you can see, the author is just mocking you with a power tending infinitly to 1(the mc will be for ever the weaker existence with infinit/unlimited potential). Here being an awakened seems to speak aboud freedom... Can servitude be true sense of freedom? Can acting cute and dumb be a sign of wisdom? Obviously this novel is a big joke. 17 chapter will be my limit to stupidity.

    Shadow Slave
    Fantasia · Guiltythree
  • DaoisttwG3qW
    Respondeu a CHAOS_FOOLISH

    I don't understand any silly joke between any female character and the MC, each time they making joke and laughing i really want to burn those fck'n characters, put them in difficulty make them suffer... Why not some raping situation? After thinking about it, i know i hate lovey-dovey mood, silly joke that are no even funny to begin with, i hate a MC without face who will try anything to rescue his mom until he just forget it. So hoping the novel to burn or the female characters to be raped make me understand that reading cr@p can really be nefast to the brain. This Void evolution system is pure cr@p, the edge the MC's ability should have don't actually exist, he can evolve very quickly that's why he will always be slower than everyone(there is no logic i'm the author so i'm deciding) Dropped!

    Void Evolution System
    Fantasia · Crocs_is_Dead
  • DaoisttwG3qW

    Why do you like writing unfinished sentences with «...» after each paragraph it finally become unreadable, incomprehensible with lot of commentary that like to ask stupid questions in order to make up excuses for filler. Example of the novel structure. Chapter 411...onomatopoeia [commentary] did leo... onomatopoeia [commentary] eat a clown...?! onomatopoeia, onomatopoeia, onomatopoeia [commentary] Isn't Revealing his secret skill stupid? He don't really know his own skill operate, he travel in a parallel universe 2time and he reassure Yeon that she is just a fiction in a novel.(MC is truly a master of decduction lol) Is the existence of novel allowing the creation of parallel universes or parallele universe the origine of the creation of a novel. Or maybe Leo is half-human and half-deity(like hercule or minautor &c...) his skill creating new reality. There is something stupid how the Mc defeated the protagonist(a little before chapter 411), he didn't really prepare, he didn't have any proper counter, he wasn't even in the same level but wasn't really interested to true preparation but always say it no the time then final resolution, he trick the protagonist... it was nonesense after nonesense so whynot 411 chapters to visite just 2worlds and each is hyper repetitive on level up then level up then level up... This is too much. Are you stuck on a pre-puberty teen period where you would have dream if cultivation world existed? Why don't we see the MC in his reality trying to use his new skill? Or skill other than the combat bµllsh*t. Why is he trying to just read cultivation novel i thought he could read anything? Suddenly lazy? He could read "Saw"(horror-thriller), "Cube"(investigation novel with pulze to solve), "Avatar"(adventure, with new dialect discovery, new culture). You can imagine as i have almost reach my upper limit... until those sentences: "How could I hate you?! I was the stupid one for doubting my own heart. Let's spend every following second together. No, please let me spend it with you!" Since he was the one in the wrong, Leo naturally had to be the one to make it up. "Also, please stop crying, my heart can't take it either." Wiping away Yeon's precious tears, Leo pulled her into his embrace. What a great and experienced reader was he! In the end, he was just an insecure idiot who made his partner cry. "Mm, I won't cry anymore, so don't make such a sad face either!" You've succeeded destroying my stomac here, with an amalgam of lovey-dovey, emotional bµllsh*t, some tears , the MC telling all his life as if it was really interesting. But ill give you a scoop, i utterly don't care! Can You delete the AI that's writing in your stead? I'm sure your not 14yo I've got enought bullsh*t with emotional cr@p and lovey-dovey nonesense for a life time when i read "Suprem Magnus".

    Only I Am A Reader
    Fantasia · LightningAsura
  • DaoisttwG3qW
    Respondeu a Crimson_ink

    Where are the bad rating? Did the author delete them? So your rating are fake... No wonder!

    Chaos Warlord: Reincarnated in Eldrich with the Devil System!
    Fantasia · DurcalAka
  • DaoisttwG3qW

    Lot of thing that i'm fed up with but let just mention chapter 149 there is a trading where 100 purified cores are sold 300CPS each So 100x300=(?) Yeah it's 3000CPS. Calculations according to the author(This masterpiece isn't mine)

    Chaos Warlord: Reincarnated in Eldrich with the Devil System!
    Fantasia · DurcalAka
  • DaoisttwG3qW

    chapter 22 ; I hate VR novel but this one seems to be in reality so why was that writtened in the Lord chat: _“F*ck! Did you see Big Boss Blazing Sun’s new deal? This time, it’s 20,000 units of Black Iron-Tier Elementary Grade Desert Fog Lizard meat!” _“Every time I see the transaction volume of the Lord of The Blazing Sun, I feel that it’s ridiculous!” _“Is there a possibility that the Lord of The Blazing Sun is cheating?” Is there a rules that state you are forbidden to cheat? I can only see this sentence in a game or it would be nonesense otherwise. The first extraterrial we meet, the MC butchered his territory by greed there was not ethic issue involve(i want it i take it, you're just dead meat as if reality was like a game). Later we saw that no just alien lord but other human lord was the MC's target. The author just played a game and describe what he saw mixed with what he would have like to see possible. Human right are irrelevant, different races with different culture are there to be butchered. The author doesn't care about developing the background of the characters, everything is linear. Here again: _“Is there a possibility that the Lord of The Blazing Sun is cheating?” yeah, feel like i lost my time reading this cr@p. There is a clear confusion between reality and VR, killing conscient creatures are as easy as killing MOB, i'm clearly loosing my fµcking time here damnit!!! I'll DROPE the cr@p here after 22chapter i find my limit.

    Global Lord: 100% Drop Rate
    Jogos · A Green Bird
  • DaoisttwG3qW
    Respondeu a Tur_Bat

    Why would the author use an editor when some of them are even no expensive if no totally free? Why would someone have an editor when it's easier to translate with their @ss, slackers are misunderstood creature

    Global Lord: 100% Drop Rate
    Jogos · A Green Bird
  • DaoisttwG3qW
    Respondeu a Roinuji

    You said;"-The drop system is broken and makes no sense, putting things like 0% drop just to conveniently work with the protagonist's talent: 100% drop rate. If the drop is 0% this item simply shouldn't exist." But i disagree, (0%) is plausible it's like (100%) if you agree that (100%) mean accessible for all, (0%) mean accessible for no one it's like inexistant for all... So it mean that the MC's skill is outrageous and allow him to see what is inestant for others but even obtain what is usually no possible to... yeah he has a broken skill(i don't even know the meaning of legendary skill_can it be upgraded?)

    Global Lord: 100% Drop Rate
    Jogos · A Green Bird
  • DaoisttwG3qW
    Respondeu a Roinuji

    With your comment i'm at 90% sure that i'll drop it after ~30chapter but can you tell me if this novel is about reality or VR? I'm at chapter7... Don't want to waste my time reading 200chapter to know if the mc is male or not, or if the mc is an AI or whatever. I like "Reverend Insanity" i find "Warlock of the Magus World" or "Soul of Negary"(i could not read too much but it's readable) in the same spirit.

    Global Lord: 100% Drop Rate
    Jogos · A Green Bird
  • DaoisttwG3qW
    Respondeu a Thomas1231

    Chapter 7 and i still don't know the MC's gender, his status dead(in the after life) or alive, where he is, reality or VR? I mean if it's about VR it would make me really really sick to have wasted my time reading crap.

    Global Lord: 100% Drop Rate
    Jogos · A Green Bird
  • DaoisttwG3qW
    Respondeu a Pedotosi_Phillip

    Are you a trader or a carpet seller coz the "amazing" thing promized are already no so much amazing when i read Thomas comment bro... You really sound like a carpet seller

    Global Lord: 100% Drop Rate
    Jogos · A Green Bird
  • DaoisttwG3qW
    Respondeu a DaoisttwG3qW

    “My cooldown for mana regen is pretty quick” Oh? That's interesting. In order to hide you've got infinite mana you'll say you have high regen mana... Isn't that excuse pathetic? It's like hiding your name with another similar... if you're trying to be recognized or to be caught that's the best way

    I Never Run Out of Mana
    Urbano · Tushar_Vashishta
  • DaoisttwG3qW
    Respondeu a FangYuansGrampa

    I saw unlimited mana, then unlimited vitality or no fatigue(the MC never sleep) but that's it, there is nothing more to it. On the other hand ~99% of the novel i read has the MC cursed with unlimited stupidity, and a passive skill i called plot armor.

    I Never Run Out of Mana
    Urbano · Tushar_Vashishta
  • DaoisttwG3qW
    Respondeu a FangYuansGrampa

    What do you mean? Do you have some samples or examples otherwise your words are meaningless to me.

    I Never Run Out of Mana
    Urbano · Tushar_Vashishta
  • DaoisttwG3qW

    Chapter3 ... Omg, this world execute any "awakened" who didn't revealed themselves?! Is this korean country similar to our Korea from earth? This rule is so screwy: 1)You awakened ~1hours before the time you wanted to reveale it you're discover and you're screwed, EXECUTED! 2)You're just awake but suddenly you get a severe allergy, if you don't you don't get treatment you'll die or if you don't reveal yourself as awakened immediatly... you're screwed EXECUTED! if your power isn't immortality you're screwed. So now it's time to CHOOSE! What is the idea? Awakened are too dangerous so the goverment want to screw them when it can?(if the awakened are so strong like killing half of the country with a finger snap why would any country mess with them?! But if they are not so dangerous and can be an asset, why would the country execute them... it's screwing with potential ressourses, that's utterly stupid!) Author are here to build a world with rules and consistency but when a world get build with some sh*tty bµllsh*t like this EXECUTION rules you'll know that it come directly from his rump. No everyone can use their brain when writing

    I Never Run Out of Mana
    Urbano · Tushar_Vashishta
  • DaoisttwG3qW
    Respondeu a Babysitter564

    OMG! Suprem Magnus was a pain in the ass with the toxic writing on the harem, so much craps that i got an indigestion reading it, with my brain cell collapsing it was hell and you say it's a down grade copy?! Thks but no thks , dropped before reading

    Limitless Evolution: The Path To Immortality
    Fantasia · Animosity
  • DaoisttwG3qW
    Respondeu a Mewbacca

    This book is incredible are you a fake account???! Did we read the same novel???! i was deleted coz of my bad rating, this novel is deep shit. The MC is quite dumb in order to make a lot of action with nonsense, he is always confused, he make always the wrong decision and survive with an hair margin. He think lying is wrong so he will always tell everyone his story freely, try to tell everyone his secret(his weakness) and why would he do that??? Because. yeah it come from nowhere he decided that keeping secret was too painfull and it was better to reveal it for free (As you know greed and jalousy is possible, the MC is no strong enough but even if he was strong giving his weakness to his hypothetic ennemy is the best way to die quicker)... That's what i called dumb and that's what the auther called smart. The MC don't really have a personality, he is just a proxy for author goal so don't look at the inconsistency. 50% filler, everything is fake this novel is a scam!!! So those 5stars are pur pieces of art, and pur nonsense.

    Supreme Lord: I can extract everything!
    Fantasia · HideousGrain
  • DaoisttwG3qW
    Respondeu a Classychase787

    i was deleted coz of my bad rating, this novel is deep shit. The MC is quite dumb in order to make a olt of action with nonsense, he is always confused, he make always the wrong decision and survive with an hair margin. He think lying is wrong so he will always tell everyone his story freely, try to tell everyone his secret(his weakness)... That's what i called dumb and that's what the auther called smart. The MC don't really have a personality, he is just a proxy for author goal so don't look at the inconsistency. 50% filler, everything is fake this novel is a scam!!! The MC isn't a brain dead coz there isn't brain cell that's simple!

    Supreme Lord: I can extract everything!
    Fantasia · HideousGrain
  • DaoisttwG3qW
    Respondeu a Big_Nigg4

    i was deleted coz of my bad rating, this novel is deep shit. The MC is quite dumb in order to make a olt of action with nonsense, he is always confused, he make always the wrong decision and survive with an hair margin. He think lying is wrong so he will always tell everyone his story freely, try to tell everyone his secret(his weakness)... That's what i called dumb and that's what the auther called smart. The MC don't really have a personality, he is just a proxy for author goal so don't look at the inconsistency. 50% filler, everything is fake this novel is a scam!!!

    Supreme Lord: I can extract everything!
    Fantasia · HideousGrain
  • DaoisttwG3qW
    Respondeu a Hehe_UwUrr

    i was deleted coz of my bad rating, this novel is deep shit. The MC is quite dumb in order to make a olt of action with nonsense, he is always confused, he make always the wrong decision and survive with an hair margin. He think lying is wrong so he will always tell everyone his story freely, try to tell everyone his secret(his weakness)... That's what i called dumb and that's what the auther called smart. The MC don't really have a personality, he is just a proxy for author goal so don't look at the inconsistency. 50% filler, everything is fake this novel is a scam!!!

    Supreme Lord: I can extract everything!
    Fantasia · HideousGrain