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I do not understand Chinese writers. Don't they get tired of naivety and sexism? Any guy can die for nothing while most of the female characters don't even get beaten up by Tang Sun because Tang Sun is a (simple) gentleman and doesn't bully girls. I wish they knew that being a gentleman does not mean giving your enemies a chance! The only strength of this novel is the absence of a harem. Chinese writers have interesting and strange opinions about women. #1: The Sixth Sense is feminine, so often seen in Chinese novels that it hurts the eye. For example: the main character is walking down the street, the woman turns around, looks at him and says that he is special and that he is a rival. For God there are thousands of reasons why a girl meets the main character. #2: The girl falls in love with the main character as soon as she sees his (power), so doesn't it make sense that the main character is under pressure from a more powerful person, the character becomes a more powerful lover? I will certainly not have good intentions and the main character does not think about the choice at all and accepts it when it falls into his arms! I think there can be only two reasons why Chinese writers write such jobs. #1: All Chinese writers are gay, and #2: All Chinese writers never spoke to the opposite sex. Another thing is that in Chinese novels there are female characters who are stronger than men, but again only men die and only men become the main enemy and if I say if there is a female enemy who really falls in love. With the main character at the end, or just his power. And if it was a woman who was an enemy to a man, she would probably have an enmity with the main character. According to the Chinese writers, there are men (words) who die with every wind, but no woman who does not come back to life or perform miracles at the end. It's really nauseating What is more strange is that all Chinese novels are not different, sometimes even the names are the same, only the name of the cultivation level is different from (Mahayana) to (sss).
I hope it won't be romantic in the future because in my opinion love is an illusion and a big lie that everyone believes but it doesn't exist. In fact, there are some people who have a strong obsession with some people and think they are in love, but there is only obsession and madness. There are other people who sell their sexual obsession as love, which is nauseating.
The main character is a punching bag Tsunade, I don't know why eastern writers enjoy being beaten by girls. The perverted and masochistic characters of Eastern writers make me sick. The main character is able to defeat Nagato, but the main character is actually beaten by Tsunade and apologizes, why? Since he helped Tsunade. Tsunade is actually a spoiled old woman who destroys everything she can with her fists. And she likes everyone to treat her like a little girl and the main character is beaten so much that she vomits. The leader of a tribe! Pride of a tribe! Old slave? In all the oriental novels, characters are beaten by women and don't fight with women, I don't know if this is because of masochistic personality of oriental writers or other factors cause this? In fact, the main character of the novel is so kind and chivalrous that he might marry Kaguya. In fact, for Eastern writers, chivalry boils down to two things: 1. Being beaten by women. 2. Beating people who beat women. Even if a woman is evil, they still decide to help her. In fact some writers try to create the main character and pretend to think and say it must be good for me to save this girl and then he fights the gods to save the girl, then tells the girl that I saved you because you are . They were useful to me. Now the results of saving a girl for a boy: having thousands of wounds, dying several times, destroying many treasures and contracting parasites. Results obtained by the girl from the boy: thousands of different treasures, immortal protector, getting the son of destiny, learning different arts from the boy such as alchemy and ..., becoming more powerful, saving the family by the son of destiny. Killing the old husband and having a new husband.
I hope as a dead man he is not looking for harem and romance because there are too many things like that.
The author introduces many women into the story, almost two women for every man and all the men are useless except the main character, the main character is constantly afraid of women and trembles, the main character is like a beast to his sons punches. But his daughter doesn't get any punishment even though it's very annoying. It's enough for a woman to say something and the main character bows her head. I think it's better that only people who had the blood of the Ye family get the benefits of the system. Do, not someone who randomly passes through the Ye family, such as a maid or a pet or a bride, the main character's sister is also useless. She is always looking to kill men. Of course, almost all the women in the Ye family are looking to castrate men. The author is inclined. It has many uses for women. And the birth rate of girls is very high, it is better for the author to use more of the useless men of the Ye family, the author seems to have a strong fondness for warrior lolis who are cruel and bloodthirsty with funny faces. The author has written as if all the men in the family have no use and talent and everything they had was given to them by their father, but the girls are wild, warriors, alchemists, weapon makers, accountants, etc. Use more men, and the main character trembles less in front of women, every time I see it, even though the girl is weaker than him. But the intention of killing a mortal girl scares the main character and I can't help but despise the main character.
"Birth of the Demonic Sword" is not an interesting novel, in fact it is just a power complex or obsession written by the author. The author tried to make the behavior of the main character understandable, but it was not convincing. In the novel "Birth of the Demonic Sword" I see only childish cruelty and the complexes of those who think that the world revolves around them and that the world plans only for them. In fact, I kept saying I hope he doesn't let me down. I said it will happen soon. He will take a better path, he will become an adult soon and I am disappointed. In fact, the main character is a brainless savage. First I laughed at his stupidity and then I cried. It is very sad to have such a brainless person. A mother has seen all the parts of her child's body, she knows all his thoughts and eating habits, there is no love between us, but the author and the novel The Birth of the Devil's Sword was like that for me, I understood everything. Even before writing the character, I knew the author's thoughts, it was simple and boring, I didn't even need to read more than one chapter to guess the next chapters, the behavior of the characters was trivial, I didn't even need to read. Be thoughtful and funny. There are so many funny things, so many that it's ridiculous. There are holes in the novel, I could see the manipulation and brainstorming of the author trying to make it interesting, and it actually made me laugh. The first chapter of the novel "holes" has started. And eventually it became so much that there was no novel anymore, it was just a hole, a very big hole, in fact if they were real characters, the main character would be the first person to disappear in chapters, the author wants the main character to comment Useful and useful, but not useful. Only each character says to himself: (God, the soldier is very useful!!), but the main character is only harmful, in fact, it is not useful in the long and short term, if it is useful, the way to use the soldier. it is wrong. It's ridiculous, for example the main character conspired against a country that has been killing people for thousands of years. It is possible, if I may say, that heaven and earth are with him, but against him, as in ordinary Chinese novels. The author is like a tank, all basic logic is the same. Then he stepped on another, even if we say that the author wants to challenge logic and the author's world is unimaginable, there is still experience, a country that uses others many times, has it not faced opposition?! It's definitely not that easy, so how did they come to power or how did their families come to be? If we only say with power, it is ridiculous; Because power without a brain is like a gun without an owner, it cannot fire itself. Even in our world where there are no superpowers, there is always someone stronger. Logically, the smartest always survive, not the strongest, or more precisely, whoever survives is the strongest. If it is with pure power, animals have more power in the same world. Be the superior race, Huff..... There are many ridiculous things and the said content is summarized many times.
If you want romance, there are millions and millions of romance novels out there. If you want a villain in love, there are thousands and thousands, so choose another novel. There are fewer villainous and cruel novels.
There's no need to spoil the story because the story is a copy, a complete copy of Birth of the demonic Sword.
As long as it is not romantic, it is a good novel. I think I'm witnessing the birth of a fantastic work, but it's too early for another opinion. Of course, a little romance is okay, but most writers start with action, villains, sadness, horror, etc., but suddenly romance comes in and It occupies the entire space of the novel. The writers forget what genre the novel was and keep talking about romance because the writers don't know what to do and just fill the novel with romance nonsense. Writers don't know or don't want to know that if we want romance, there are millions of romance novels to choose from, not horror or villain novels. I hope the author of the novel does not repeat this and does not introduce some girls to the novel to follow the main character for an adventure or does not save a few girls every ten chapters, author please.
Which novel was wise? Which novel was the truth? Which novel was logical? And it's not the first time I've read an author giving a message to the main character, but if it's the first time, being a writer means creating new things using imagination, if all novels are going to follow the same principle for so long. . A few centuries ago, the writing profession would have stopped.