


Hola, soy un youtuber nuevo, dedicado a usar Loquendo para crear historias, link de mi canal:https://youtube.com/@Sun-gl9bzmi instagram:Thanatos_dmc5

2023-06-13 UnidoGlobal



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  • ThanatosGOD
    Respondeu a Apathy_Personified

    I'm used to put "-" when the character is going to do an action in the narration only the narrator and the text, but I will consider that when the narrator speaks, put quotation marks, thanks for the suggestion reader 🫂If you want we can talk, on instagram my name is "Thanatos_dmc5" in case you want to ask me something.

    Ch 23 Capitulo 1:New Life
    Reencarne en DC como Nero de devil may cry
    Anime e quadrinhos · ThanatosGOD
  • ThanatosGOD
    Respondeu a Apathy_Personified

    You're welcome, all for the readers of my stories, I hope you enjoy the story.

    Ch 23 Capitulo 1:New Life
    Reencarne en DC como Nero de devil may cry
    Anime e quadrinhos · ThanatosGOD
  • ThanatosGOD
    Respondeu a Apathy_Personified

    I have already uploaded the first chapter in English, go to volume two that says "chapters in English" I translated the whole chapter from Spanish to US English,

    Ch 1 Capitulo 01:Mi nueva vida
    Reencarne en DC como Nero de devil may cry
    Anime e quadrinhos · ThanatosGOD
  • ThanatosGOD
    Respondeu a Apathy_Personified

    Yes, I sure

    Ch 1 Capitulo 01:Mi nueva vida
    Reencarne en DC como Nero de devil may cry
    Anime e quadrinhos · ThanatosGOD
  • ThanatosGOD
    Respondeu a PolDemon

    Do you remember secret wars? (2012-2015?) Do you remember the times when different versions of spiderman appeared? Do you remember when they were in the battle world, and there were different versions of Thor? All this happens in the comics, and they have seen different versions several times, they know that a multiverse exists, and whoever suddenly sees a guy with pink hair, who does not use magic, who is not an eternal, is not a herald , not even a god, what do you think they intuit? 😐

    No, eso no me preocupa, lo que me preocupa es el estado mental que tiene el muchacho, su modo de actuar es complicado y su situación que pasó antes de llegar a este universo es peor. Por eso, si algún día se sale de control, ustedes deberán detenerlo a toda costa. Pero por ahora, deben estar atentos.
    Yuji en Marvel Comics
    Anime e quadrinhos · ThanatosGOD
  • ThanatosGOD
    Respondeu a DaoistWyDdux

    cuando leas los demás capítulos hablas, porque tú opinión no sirve por el hecho de que es tu primera impresión, y puede cambiar la opinión

    Ch 1 Capitulo 01:Mi nueva vida
    Reencarne en DC como Nero de devil may cry
    Anime e quadrinhos · ThanatosGOD
  • ThanatosGOD
    Respondeu a TGM_BRO

    He is a character from the devil may cry game series, you can google him as "Nero devil may cry 5" and then "nero devil may cry 4".

    Vale, quiero el cuerpo de Nero de devil may cry, pero quiero mantener el peinado que tenía en el 4, y tener la ropa que posee en el 5.
    Reencarne en DC como Nero de devil may cry
    Anime e quadrinhos · ThanatosGOD
  • ThanatosGOD
    Respondeu a TGM_BRO

    In the paragraph my character asks for Nero's hairstyle in Devil May Cry 4, but the hair that Nero wears during Devil May Cry 5

    Vale, quiero el cuerpo de Nero de devil may cry, pero quiero mantener el peinado que tenía en el 4, y tener la ropa que posee en el 5.
    Reencarne en DC como Nero de devil may cry
    Anime e quadrinhos · ThanatosGOD
  • ThanatosGOD
    Respondeu a Roxybr

    It refers to overcoming it in all aspects, I'm not going to tell you the method but I already tell you that my stories last a long time, that is, they will be more than 50 chapters, you know that I like to put things together with sense.

    Ch 1 Capítulo 01
    Reencarne en one punch man con un sistema.
    Ficção Científica · ThanatosGOD
  • ThanatosGOD
    Respondeu a Roxybr

    don't worry, I'm not going to romance tatsumaki and my character, it wouldn't match. It is also impossible because of what will happen in the next chapter that I will publish and the new chapter that I uploaded yesterday.

    Ch 3 Capitulo 02 problema tras problema
    Reencarne en one punch man con un sistema.
    Ficção Científica · ThanatosGOD
  • ThanatosGOD
    Respondeu a Roxybr

    That is why I put that the character suffers a wear and tear due to the large amount of energy consumed by the 6 eyes, emphasizing that he does not have the same amount of energy that Gojo has. Besides that as I said and you know, I don't like to make the protagonist invincible, in fact, when you get to the most recent chapter of this story you will understand what I am saying that the character has a limit.

    Ch 1 Capítulo 01
    Reencarne en one punch man con un sistema.
    Ficção Científica · ThanatosGOD
  • ThanatosGOD
    Respondeu a Roxybr

    Because if I give all of gojo's infinite cursed energy to the character, there's no one to stop it, it's like the base I put in the other story. He can have Nero's body, but his abilities are limited and not the same as the character in his prime.

    Ch 1 Capítulo 01
    Reencarne en one punch man con un sistema.
    Ficção Científica · ThanatosGOD
  • ThanatosGOD
    Respondeu a Roxybr

    You won't say the same when you read later, but, as a spoiler, the same system tells him that even if he has the body of gojo satoru, it won't be like the real one.

    Ch 1 Capítulo 01
    Reencarne en one punch man con un sistema.
    Ficção Científica · ThanatosGOD
  • ThanatosGOD
    Respondeu a Roxybr

    Not if I believe you, calm down, without problems, it has happened to me that sometimes the translator literally mistranslates something, and puts something else, without problems.

    Ch 3 Capitulo 1:minha nova vida (En brazilian/portugués)
    Reencarne en DC como Nero de devil may cry
    Anime e quadrinhos · ThanatosGOD
  • ThanatosGOD
    Respondeu a Roxybr

    I think it's good that you liked the story, that's my goal in the end, because I don't want to do the typical stories, which is what I wanted the other guy you see in the comments to do. I dedicate myself to making stories as meaningful as possible, with all the love and affection in the world. If you have any idea that you want to share with me for a story, let me know on my instagram which is on my profile here, or find me on my youtube channel.

    Ch 3 Capitulo 1:minha nova vida (En brazilian/portugués)
    Reencarne en DC como Nero de devil may cry
    Anime e quadrinhos · ThanatosGOD
  • ThanatosGOD
    Respondeu a Roxybr

    Parcero, I already uploaded chapter 1 to Portuguese (Brazilian), it is already in the published chapters, it is the newest one that has the same name as the first chapter in Portuguese

    Ch 1 Capitulo 01:Mi nueva vida
    Reencarne en DC como Nero de devil may cry
    Anime e quadrinhos · ThanatosGOD
  • ThanatosGOD
    Respondeu a Roxybr

    It is not in blue so I will tell you the name, you enter YouTube and look for the same name of the story here from the web novel, "reincarnated in dc as nero from devil may cry" I narrated it in Spanish using Loquendo.

    Ch 1 Capitulo 01:Mi nueva vida
    Reencarne en DC como Nero de devil may cry
    Anime e quadrinhos · ThanatosGOD
  • ThanatosGOD
    Respondeu a Roxybr

    Do you want me to upload the story in English so you understand the story? Because if you don't understand Spanish well, I have no problem uploading the story in English ^^

    Ch 1 Capitulo 01:Mi nueva vida
    Reencarne en DC como Nero de devil may cry
    Anime e quadrinhos · ThanatosGOD
  • ThanatosGOD
    Respondeu a nono_daxcd_9505

    🤨 Telekinesis tiene el pyroth y el personaje no puede usar la espada porque apesta con ella. porque como dice el mismo "Nunca eh peleado" solo a leído cómics y jugado juegos, no porque tú veas como unos tipos manejan una espada, tu vas a aprender a usar de un día para el otro al mismo nivel, ¿o si? O porque tú veas a tipos pegándose golpes, no significa que tú puedas aprender a golpear y pelear sin practicar.

    Ch 1 Capitulo 01:Mi nueva vida
    Reencarne en DC como Nero de devil may cry
    Anime e quadrinhos · ThanatosGOD