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Sounds like to me. Someone actually looked up the average hot for humans on earth. Because 6 foot is not out of the norm, it may not be the average height, but it's d*** close. Yeah, they needed to be bigger. Thank you author for realizing that.
I like this story. I only problem. I have is shortening them. Why seriously? Why make them just slightly above average? I never understood that in most stories. They wanna make a normal or slightly above average. I want to see him tall hell every time I've read A. Story where they take a Spartan and put it in another universe. That was making back to normal height. Let it be Spartan height.
Harold is marriage to some cultures and religions.It is not a sex dungeon.It is a marriage between consenting adults.
Author you've already got him hiding out in his own little Empire. Not interacting with the Star Wars Galaxy community. Now you're bringing in some other stuff. I'm serious. It's getting hard to stay with this story. Because you're not doing anything in the Star Wars Galaxy, then building your forces. Don't bring in some other universe.Version of Earth and have issues with that too.There's already plenty of stories about these little hidden away kingdoms in the Star Wars galaxy.
The story has turned into an internal Kingdom building story. It needs to branch out into the greater universe. Or Galaxy, and I'm not talking about just going and climbing worlds that have nobody on them. Needs to interact with the greater you're galactic community, even if it's just him going in view and stuff and meet in a few people here and there, it started way too far back in the cannon time. For it to go year by year building. Needs to do a time skip, say okay. This is what we have accomplished now. We're going to go out here and look at a few communities and planets instead of this. All we went and looked at 1 planet here this year, and we built this many ships and we grew this mini club. That's just too much. It's bogging down the story. You have to remember first and foremost Star Wars is a adventure story.
Yeah, I hope he can figure out how to use the force. I mean, if space Jesus turned galactic emo baby killer can use the force, why can't the Spartans?
Oh wow, oh for f**** sake. Why can't you have a smart and use the force? I have never found a single story where the Spartan could become a Jeddah. They come up with these convoluted reasons why they can't. I've read many a story where anyone could use the force as long as they trained. But never do. They include the Spartans in those stories. I swear to God it's like a cliche on a cliche now. I've read many stories where it says the Spartans. Just don't appear in the force. Perhaps psyche, he's got a system that extends to all of them. Why the hell can't they have a force power in it?
I like this story, but it has too much metaphysics. Pseudoscience discussion makes it hard to read. Especially when you're used to the hard-hitting Halo storylines and the grim dark war of the 40K universe. I know some of the authors in the 40 case stuff. Get into the existential discussions. But it just doesn't match thouthe wartime environment. Or even the role playing aspects of 40K. Anyway, yeah, it's a little too compilated for most people and I have to be in the mood to read this, but it's good. I just have to be in the mood for that type of story.
I thought he was a Titan pilot. When does he get his tightened back? And another thing I complained about I'm not having their powers. I just thought about it. They aint even got their Mecha shift weapons. So what part of them is actually RWBY?
This book almost ruined from me from the get. Go and here's why? What's the purpose of bringing in characters from other worlds? If you don't give them their powers other than cashing. In on that particular character in groups popularity in their image. OK, you strip one of their powers. It's no longer a fan fiction, including them. They're just their appearance and this infuriates me every time. I see it. It's like taking Naruto taking away his ninja abilities. And plopping name down and. High school. Is dead with only parkour as a power. You know, the words it's not a power and that's not Naruto. Just looks and acts like Naruto.