

2023-05-01 UnidoGlobal



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Legend has it that, the heavenly realm once had a true god. He was an old man who lived with his only servant and few immortals who have not yet attained godhood. At that time, out of the the three realms now only the heavenly and the mortal realm were in existence. Seeing how powerful the old man was, his servant was tempted and he decided to find his way to that power therefore by playing all kinds of dirt. He even tried playing tricks on his master and he end up being chained in a bottomless pit. Thousands of years passed and this old man who chained his servant became very old and could do nothing, he knew his time was up therefore leaving a hope for the future generations he left a shard of his soul in the heavenly realm and then disappeared. After the servant head of his master's disappearance he tried all means to save himself from that bottomless pitch, years has passed and he has not been still be able to free himself until one day, with all his might he broke off all the chains and the forces that binds him. Knowing the heavenly realm was not a place for him, he created his own realm and named it 'demon realm' and named himself 'Lucifa'.He conquered the other realms, imprisoned the heavenly emperor and his officials and left all the realms in a turmoil. This turmoil went on for a very longer period until one day, a mysterious man with an unknown background and had peerless martial prowess appeared in the heavenly realm and saved them. With his ability and prowess, the whole heavenly realm recognised him as the true god because his power exceed all of them even including lucifa. Lucifa knowing this got infuriated and as a result countless battles were fought. Finally, one of the battles they fought led to the fall of the true god which resulted in undergoing incarnation in the mortal realm and being welcomed by all kinds of unexpected torment,betrayal,happiness and the likes as he travels the mortal realm.

Ezeko · Fantasia
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