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I just realized that mf Tien is still dead lol
A quincy story is already everything I could ever ask for tbh, I jumped around my room when I saw it was a quincy with romance and no harem!! On GOONERnovel, what a godsend my friend
this mf glazing his own damn account
Jarvis, why are these mfs so cracked 🗣🗣🔥🔥
Calling him the perfect family man is excessive glaze that surpasses doing tricks on it, if you're gonna glaze make it subtle Ajax >:)
This is fantastic. Really, I've been looking for a star rail fic that wasn't written with one hand if you know what I mean, I'm gonna be keeping an eye on you Mr. Ayano. Also who's your favorite star rail character?
Hah, that's actually pretty creative and funny
Its insane that Takuma knows all these skills and that all of them were setup prior, really reminds me how skilled Takuma really is and how he feels like a real ass guy, thanks for the great batch.
Man Cornbringer you cooked on those first three chapters of that dbz project I'm already hooked, have a good one :).
In my humble opinion, I don't necessarily care about the rate at which chapters come out or how long said chapters are, I just care that the story is progressing (or if it's not I love novels doing slice of life filler anyway), basically I just want my favorite authors alive and happy, and if making small, occasional chapters means that happens then I am very happy, also please pay more attention to your health and mental well-being for your wife's sake and ours :).