African American who likes all sorts of media and is currently better than literally every other person on earth just because.
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Is Visarys in the room? Because if he is I wanna know what he thinks
Personally you already have heirs from her so just get rid of her if you can. If not then take away anything that she has or cares for in kings landing. Just be as petty as possible about it because that hurts people more and well she hurt him and ruined his closest relationship. He currently has nobody he cares for except probably his kids. They’re probably too young to remember her anyway and plus the king is already on the verge of death so just remove him too after all he seems good at that. Then the Iron throne is yours and you can just go get another wife. And before you say he doesn’t hate her enough to kill her he has already killed people for less. Plus he should probably get rid of Jeyne too for obvious reasons. If not for just revenge for practicality. It would prevent a possible Vale rebellion and weaken house Arryne. That makes it much easier to have house Royce become the new lord paramounts of the vale since Arnold and all his kids are already dead. Plus his second son would be the lord of house Royce anyway so that would just increase their power and the power of house Targaryen. The only problem is the loss of a dragon rider who is valuable. But he can just do it during or after the war so she is just another casualty of battle like daemon was.
Little does he know that the boy has no magic at all.
Tears RIP my boy Aemon you will be missed.
She wasn’t in facility that day he made sure to have her on a mission because he wasn’t sure if he could free her concidedering she has a chip in her brain
So in his true form he does have one but in his current form he doesn’t
No because he didn’t look directly at the moon he was more focused on the league.
This is one the most fun GOT fics I’ve read and it definitely changes things like an au should. Although some things do stay the same it’s still an experience with plenty twists and turns filled with emotions
Probably not a full on gag fic but the main character is just silly like that. It’s just kinda in his nature to joke around.