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Yeah Zuko vs Azula was one of the scenes played. But not the only one. To mention a few highlights: Iroh singing Little Soldier Boy, The Cave of Two Lovers and so much more.
Wonderful chapter :) Thx
Yesterday I was at the Live Concert of Avatar TLA. An orchestra played the whole soundtrack of the series while in the background the scenes belonging to the music were played. I had so much fun listening to the music with a whole concert hall full of people who are also fans of Avatar. Thx for the chapter :)
I needed to be the 100th comment xD I hope for an update soon :)
Hmmm when will there be a new chapter… I hope I don’t have to wait too long.
And because it became tradition: Here is the song :) Raise Your Glass - P!nk
A wonderful story finding a wonderful ending. I totally agree with you that some storys out there stopped being interesting because the author just wouldn’t end it. But clearly you don‘t have this proplem. I enjoyed every moment when reading your chapters and hope that you know that I will be here when/if you decide to publish your next story. If you want to add me on dc (for proofreading or encouragement or whatever else you need); The name is: vrael333 Thank you for your work. I hope I have the privilege to read one of your chapters again soon😁
Oh I forgot the song 😅 What A Wonderful World - Louis Armstrong
One chapter left. I can’t believe that this story is almost finished. It accompanied me through so many mornings. I will miss it dearly. But like you said everything must come to an end at some point. So thank you for a wonderful story. I enjoyed it immensely. I‘m looking forward to the last chapter 😁
I think personal feelings slipped in this paragraph 😌