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No words! Hands down, I love it. Every word! Please author, get well, and come back. We all need more of the MC!
It's my second review, but it's just because I arrived at the latest chapter. What can I say...? Please, author, whatever you're going through, I hope that you get everything right, and come back because I know it's not only me. We all need more!!! 🥰🥰🥰
The more I read, the more I love Ruun and his world! I'm curious about what's gonna happeeeeeeeen! In love with your work, author!
Even if I don't like system novels that much, this one is keeping me hooked into it! I'm curious about what's gonna happen next!
This is one of the best first chapters I read in my life! Please, publish the next, sooooooooon! 🥺🥺🥺
Woooooooooooooah! 😱😱😱
KURT DIED?!? OMG😱😱😱😱 And what's with this system?
Awesome start, I'm already curious about the next chapter, Mr. Author!