I want to die
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Tuupkaagtroth VS RaGnar_SK
BLASPHEMOUS only the 1 true glorious leader Xi Jinping can save us all
fuck I scrunch my face making my lips also scrunch, but it was dry, so now im left with a bloody smelled lips
bro is an absolute tsundere, while also amazingly managing to prepare his own burial.
brother is polite, kind, handsome, rich, top of the school, and be saying mad bullshit like this.
So far in, only 9 chapter as of now and my review is. Writing Quality : 4 ⭐ The story is pretty well written, it's also a singer MC type of story, but I think this story will use more pop, indie or melancholic songs more, but there's has only been 1 song sang so I won't really set the stone there yet, also love the MC personality, and the bonding missy and Georgie had at a certain chapte, but there are some unnecessarily dark part like when he mention George possibly dying of heart attack leaving him and the others broken, and the part at the dinner table at a certain chapter where he talks about the magic of family dinner where maybe one person will be gone tommorow, etc. So yeah, 4 ⭐ only for the unnecessary dark turn, but it's still good. Story development : 4 ⭐ Also not much since it's only been 9 chapters, but it's at a moderate pace, not too fast, not too slow, the development of the characters are still early, but it's already showing through Georgie interactions with Missy and Sheldon, albeit still not much. Character Design : - (5 ⭐) I put "-" because the character design is literally just the tv version of them (my opinion) cause there's no picture, so I'm basing it off the TV, so not much to judge here, meaning I gave it a 5 ⭐ for standard. Updating Stability : 5 ⭐ It seems to be updating quite frequently so kudos to the author! World background : 3 ⭐ Will change later, but as of now the setting has only been school and home, so not much to see as of now. Overall : 4.2 ⭐ I highly recommend if you're looking for a Young Sheldon or a Big Bang Theory fanfic. Just hope the author can keep up the pace cause this can be very fun to read. My face making this review in the toilet taking after just taking my most massive dump :
thank fuck the pig didn't say "the moon is beautiful Isn't it?" or this shit gon be awkward
always a wonder why Hashirama didn't use this on the war arc at the end of the series...
watching many swords profesional over the past years, made me have a "the fuck?" face when seeing this move. (kid me would've went bonkers with reverse grip)
real reaction! I was getting tired of the edgy over the top "I had no one anyways" trope! like, a mother's love cannot be forgotten. (sorry for any that didn't experience this)