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what's the name of it
everything follow the simple rules that kishimoto set in the beginning until madara enters the room..
To be honest it may be my fault because I wasn't able to depict the helplessness of our MC at that time due to my poor writing style but I will rewrite this chapter in a few days to correct that and finally thanks for the suggestion. Because right now I am still trying to improve my writing so thank you for your comment.
Yup I will do so
yup I was gonna show the reaction but a little later
whom are you talking about sorry I didn't understand ? who is she in your comments?
hmm you sure know the business man 😂
a small mistake 😅
it was never mentioned in detail in original work however it was clear that the sharongan implant on shin Uchiha arms along side with Hashirama cells happened after Uchiha massacre.