Light or Dark which do u prefer
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any reason to say that
iIjust skipped like 20 chapters to get here cause i can literally preduict what was gonna hapepen from what i read from other novels,what have read from this novel and the chapters name kinda bland no hate though
isn't that like messing with space,so shouldn't he have basic understanding of idk space magic for him to be able to create a bloodline or lock something, because if a 16 year old can do that whats stoping the real powerhouses of the world or genuis mi ds of that world of making something as powerful as that
what if someone just throws the coins very far away immediately Ren throws it like he's in a battle and he wants to throw his coins his enemies anticipate that and just parries the coins instead of Ren and bats it to another continent and when Ren does that teleportation he finds himself in another continent truly ingenious and hilarious
but if you can't do any damge,you can't beat anyone, it's like a flying cockroach
how old is she and if she's the same age as Ren why would rens father be talking about politics with a ten year old no matter how talented she is
naa but still it would be a let down if the mc gets everything he puts his mind into immediately or on the first try.
what a let down
so did he lose something like his innocence not in a creepy sense like has he killed people,has he bathed in the blood of his enemies,face betrayal,met death atleast