


New writer. Gonna mainly stay in the Pokemon fandom, though I might branch out into Marvel/DC/Worm.

2022-12-11 UnidoGlobal



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  • Gtopia
    Respondeu a manny0101

    Ah yes, the literal 'I win' team. Very original. Not saying it's bad, just that I want something different. There will be OP Pokemon, just as there will be less rare fan favourites in my team, who work their way up.

    I spot several Pokemon scurrying about along the edges of where the path meets the forest. Mostly Rattata's and a few Zigzagoons, with some Pidgey's in the tree's. While I'd love to be able to go all gamer mode and start throwing Pokeballs like an absolute madman, I cant. I have to be able to look after the Pokemon I carry with me, and send any extras back home. Yet It's not like Professor Oaks ranch, which that lucky git Ash got. Mom made it clear, that with the space available in the garden, the communal pond (more like a tiny lake) and what she's actually willing to commit money wise, she'll only let me send back four Pokemon.
    Like No One Ever Was (Self Insert/SI)
    Anime e quadrinhos · Gtopia
  • Gtopia
    Respondeu a manny0101

    Thanks, I'll put it on the list.

    ... A Scizor would of been cool as hell though.
    Like No One Ever Was (Self Insert/SI)
    Anime e quadrinhos · Gtopia
  • Gtopia
    Respondeu a Gabriel_1481

    Literally no one has been confused, whether they like the story or not. I've also kept it relatively simple all things considered. If you're struggling to grasp the fic, then I dont know what to say my dude. I'm genuinely flabbergasted. Are you just trolling?

    Like No One Ever Was (Self Insert/SI)
    Anime e quadrinhos · Gtopia
  • Gtopia
    Respondeu a _ShiningMoonLight_

    Literally the only reason I included a disbaled Pokemon lol. I was like, I dont think I've ever read a story with one? I chose Beedrill to be the unlucky winner, since even without it's wings, its still got plenty of options and versatility. - Yh the whole scheduling thing has been a nightmare, but I'm hoping Ill get into a rhythm soon. Ill post another chapter on friday, then again a few days later. then the next one wont be until around Christmas, to give me some space to write without feeling pressured. Thx for the interest.

    Ch 5 Chapter 5 - You sing me right round baby right round!
    Like No One Ever Was (Self Insert/SI)
    Anime e quadrinhos · Gtopia
  • Gtopia
    Respondeu a Nogitsune96

    I honestly dont see how people are missing this. There are hundreds of land-locked Pokemon, that's all Beedrill is now. I'm treating him like any other melee/sword type Pokemon. Nothing else is working against him. It's not like he's missing an arm or a leg. Instead of being a hit and run specialist, he's a slugger now. If it makes you feel better, I've already confirmed that he can eventually get his wings back. It just wont be for a long while yet.

    Ch 5 Chapter 5 - You sing me right round baby right round!
    Like No One Ever Was (Self Insert/SI)
    Anime e quadrinhos · Gtopia
  • Gtopia
    Respondeu a Leylin_Farlier99

    No problem, glad you liked it, and are sticking around despite the Beedrill situation XD

    Ch 5 Chapter 5 - You sing me right round baby right round!
    Like No One Ever Was (Self Insert/SI)
    Anime e quadrinhos · Gtopia
  • Gtopia
    Respondeu a Leylin_Farlier99

    None taken. Okay so 2 things. 1: It being crippled isnt as bad as people seem to realise. It's not likeit's missing an arm or leg. While it can no longer fly, It's still very capable of fighting on the ground... like 90% of all Pokemon. Think of him as just another swrod/meele fighter that's landlocked. 2: Stats. This isnt a game, it's fanfiction. It's going to be more realistic in the sense that Pokemon dont have a hard cap limit. Beedrill is going to constantly grow stronger. He's going to get fast, and more powerful. Learn new moves, learn how to use them better etc. While he will plateau like most Pokemon, it wont be a hard brick wall. He can overcome his limits, and move past them with the right inspiration and training.

    Ch 4 Chapter 4 - Since when does victory sting?
    Like No One Ever Was (Self Insert/SI)
    Anime e quadrinhos · Gtopia
  • Gtopia
    Respondeu a _ShiningMoonLight_

    God no dont worry, absolutely no harem. I doubt there'll be any romance in the first place. Maybe a bit of a childish crush after the time skip, but that's it. Honestly, Beedrill's got a massive chip on his shoulder and probably wouldnt accept being healed right now. He wants to prove not just to the world, but to himself, that he can still grow powerful. Though once he reaches the top, who knows XD

    Ch 4 Chapter 4 - Since when does victory sting?
    Like No One Ever Was (Self Insert/SI)
    Anime e quadrinhos · Gtopia
  • Gtopia
    Respondeu a TyberCat

    To be fair, the start has always tweaked me and I can never really put my mind as to why. Might just re-write the opening lines tbf.

    Michael had been in the Pokemon world for most of his new life now, and the one thing that stuck out, ahead of the other things at least, was how calm life was.
    Like No One Ever Was (Self Insert/SI)
    Anime e quadrinhos · Gtopia
  • Gtopia
    Respondeu a Nogitsune96

    It's not like it's a true crippling though. Like if he was missing an arm? Yh, that would be trouble. (Though I still think I could put together a nice Beedrill from that). Think of all the landlocked Pokemon who are melee based. Sword based even. That's basically whats happened here. Beedrills turned from a buzzing, swerving bomber into a slugger on the ground. It's gonna take work, but I believe I can make a believable power progression with it.

    Ch 4 Chapter 4 - Since when does victory sting?
    Like No One Ever Was (Self Insert/SI)
    Anime e quadrinhos · Gtopia
  • Gtopia
    Respondeu a Lord_Disaster

    God no.

    Ch 4 Chapter 4 - Since when does victory sting?
    Like No One Ever Was (Self Insert/SI)
    Anime e quadrinhos · Gtopia
  • Gtopia
    Respondeu a ZE0

    I'm gonna say yes, eventually. Most of the fic, he's going to be an Ursaring.

    Ch 4 Chapter 4 - Since when does victory sting?
    Like No One Ever Was (Self Insert/SI)
    Anime e quadrinhos · Gtopia
  • Gtopia
    Respondeu a Hyperman

    Thx for the review! I thought I put it into the Videogame section, then someone replied saying that I accidentally put it in the anime section, which I dont think I did. Now you're saying to put it in their!? I'm so confused XC. Can you put fics into more than one area? Cuz in settings it's only really got the one choice. Ill see what I can do anyway, thx for letting me know. I'f I can choose I'll probably try to put it in both.

    Ch 2 Chapter 2 - I thought I was the scary one! WTF!
    Like No One Ever Was (Self Insert/SI)
    Anime e quadrinhos · Gtopia