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Many people don't know this or don't want to accept it, but we are slaves to hormones. The idea that you have past life experiences does not protect you from the mistakes of a young body when you are emotionally unstable compared to an adult.
Is he a commoner without a last name?
Oh my god, what nonsense. Muggles can't know about the leaky cauldron, or is this a hint that his guardians are also wizards.
Pfft, the main character literally used a magic wand in chapter 2 in the penultimate paragraph.
The author is too lazy to come up with ideas!
What does this even mean?
This is what happens when an author doesn't care about the time frame of a story.
The numbers are so large that it is difficult for the author to write their sequence correctly.
And Ollivander knows that wizards also use his wands for food.
Why make such a complicated beginning. This amount of unnecessary information gave me a headache. Next time, do it gradually, and don't turn everything into a dump where you just dump information.