Amethyst Desire "I hate you," I mumbled. His face didn't turn to the other side nor did his amethyst eyes leave my brown ones even once. That slap was a very harsh one but this man didn't even flinch.
"You love me," he said.
"No, I don't," I scoffed. I tried to slap him again but this time he caught my wrist.
"Yes, you do and I can prove it," he pulled me closer and leaned in. A very obvious smirk plastered on his perfectly sculpted face.
*One peck...*
*Two pecks...*
I didn't even realize it and my eyes were closed; my lips were moving in sync with his. I couldn't resist him, hell I didn't even have a single thought of resisting him. Not only did he own my soul but my body too was at his mercy.
His tongue brushed my lower lip now and then, his hands snaked around my waist keeping me secured as if I would run away if he let go- like he feared I would disappear. My fingers were tangled up in his long locks of hair. And just like that normal kiss turned into a hot make-out when I allowed his tongue to explore the insides of my mouth.
In the world they lived in, 3% of humankind were cursed with the rule of 'soulmate'. They were born with the initials of their soulmate's name on their left ankle. They were bound to spend the rest of their life with their soulmate, whether they got along or not. Whether they loved them or not. Some continued to look at this rule as a curse, while some embraced it and saw it as a blessing.
Things got complicated when Dove Stanley, a genius lyricist found out that her soulmate; an infamous pop star named Vinter Harris is dating her arch-nemesis Nina Robbins. Dove who shared a dark past with Nina became adamant about breaking the soulmate bond with Vinter, as she wanted to have a future with Vinter's half-brother Twilight.
Dove believed that mother nature made a mistake to give her a soulmate like Vinter, so she decided to go against mother nature. But there is always a price to pay in order to go against the natural law.
Thevriter · Fantasia
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