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Hmm I forgot explain about this, the paragrah is okay, It is assumed that Leonhard activated the voice message mode that is why Cha Hae-In's voice is heard, although watching the chapter I don't really explain it... sorry
No, that was not implemented in this novel, it is something common in other novels from what I read but in this one it is not completely necessary, you can put all your stats in INT and nothing happens (except that you make yourself a OP glass cannon)
The explanation for this would be a spoiler, but you got the basic situation very right.
I'm still thinking about whether I implement something like this, I haven't decided yet.
To tell the truth, I didn't decide on something that's why I didn't put it in, but my plan was to give 100 experience points per level, and multiply it by another number depending on the race, something like 100 x level 19 x Orc (x 1.15) = 2,185 something like that. But in the end I realized that I would work a lot more Lol
This one but with pink white wings and normal hands