Discord: Outlier#0765
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I sense powerscaling inconsistencies
Wow, how do you get dialogue to flow so smooth like this g. I wish I could do this
my eyes must be seeing things lol. I looked back and wondered "what semi colon." pfft. sorry to waste your time my g.
Lee kiyoung was just a Machiavellian person. although, he still held attachments and other things.
was the ; a mistake?
this is a speculation. unique jutsu are something which he cannot learn just by seeing... its not physically possible unless he derives it from something?
thing is he don't have the jutsu proficiency. when he does later down the line, he can just use jutsu books anyway my g. I don't see the efficiency, maybe I'm just not as clever as u but I dont see it thh
hmm my Ur onto something but Ur not at the same time. he needs a lot of time to do this .constant revision. its not the sharingan where he can just remember
whats the point tho. he has no jutsu profiency