


Yes I am proud for my name

2022-10-15 UnidoGlobal

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  • King_of_Dezz_Nuts
    Respondeu a Dotencsure


    The Great Genetic Era
    Oriental · Pig Sanbu
  • King_of_Dezz_Nuts

    Ok this Mc looks like an Idiot now completely ruined his image

    Chaoyang shook his head and followed them—things had come to this, all he could hope for now was to get as much wishing power feedback as possible...
    Mystery Paradise: Wishing Power Demon
    Fantasia · Second Eye
  • King_of_Dezz_Nuts


    This meant he had already paid double the cost just in creating the bodies, not to mention there was one more person this time than last.
    Mystery Paradise: Wishing Power Demon
    Fantasia · Second Eye
  • King_of_Dezz_Nuts

    The Potential is 5 stars the logic and the explanation of MCs abilities is straightforward 1 star. If only the Author took 2 minutes more for each chapter and stop writing halfassed explanations or at least not even try explaining just to make things worse this would have been a 4.5 for now but well like I said the MCs abilities ard just to unreasonably writen and in some scenes it makes the Mc look like an Idiot to

    Mystery Paradise: Wishing Power Demon
    Fantasia · Second Eye
  • King_of_Dezz_Nuts
    Respondeu a King_of_Dezz_Nuts

    butbis= but is

    As he watched the group melt into the night, Chaoyang let out a sigh... Having experts handling this was indeed helpful, but he had made a big oversight, which was the issue of time continuity. Creating these bodies consumed wishing power by the hour, and to avoid running at a loss, he couldn't possibly keep these unconscious bodies active for two full days. The most economical method was to erase them first and recreate them when needed. But these weren't just mud figures, and intrinsically, the bodies created before and after had no connection. He did his best to make the two consistent, but the result was still barely passable, even forgetting a finger in the process.
    Mystery Paradise: Wishing Power Demon
    Fantasia · Second Eye
  • King_of_Dezz_Nuts

    Honestly the more it goes on the worse it gets evm more so with those halfass explanations. This has so much potential butbis kinda ruined with the logic

    As he watched the group melt into the night, Chaoyang let out a sigh... Having experts handling this was indeed helpful, but he had made a big oversight, which was the issue of time continuity. Creating these bodies consumed wishing power by the hour, and to avoid running at a loss, he couldn't possibly keep these unconscious bodies active for two full days. The most economical method was to erase them first and recreate them when needed. But these weren't just mud figures, and intrinsically, the bodies created before and after had no connection. He did his best to make the two consistent, but the result was still barely passable, even forgetting a finger in the process.
    Mystery Paradise: Wishing Power Demon
    Fantasia · Second Eye
  • King_of_Dezz_Nuts

    At this Point Mcs abilities makes no sense at all with all those out of nowhere abilities that would not be possible except Mc is wasting all his wish energy and more. If only the Author put aome kore thought in Mcs abilities logic instead of just expecting us to ignore everything then this Novel would be a 4.6 instead of My current rating of 3.4

    "When you are active normally, your perception of time flows the same as reality, like right now," Chaoyang paused. "But when you enter a dormant state, I can instantly skip you forward to two days later, just like—"
    Mystery Paradise: Wishing Power Demon
    Fantasia · Second Eye
  • King_of_Dezz_Nuts


    "When you are active normally, your perception of time flows the same as reality, like right now," Chaoyang paused. "But when you enter a dormant state, I can instantly skip you forward to two days later, just like—"
    Mystery Paradise: Wishing Power Demon
    Fantasia · Second Eye
  • King_of_Dezz_Nuts

    To much no logical explanation and to overreacting for no good explanation

    Ch 16 Chapter 15: Heretical Cult Members
    Mystery Paradise: Wishing Power Demon
    Fantasia · Second Eye
  • King_of_Dezz_Nuts

    Bruh they are making it something big for no real reason

    They may seem extremely fierce and brutal in their methods, but that's against the weak who fall into their hands. If these people really had more mettle than the army, then they would have been ruling Magnificent Castle by now.
    Mystery Paradise: Wishing Power Demon
    Fantasia · Second Eye
  • King_of_Dezz_Nuts

    This story would be much better if not for such moments. Because there is absolutely no sus here

    Now it was Shandela's turn to be at a loss for words.
    Mystery Paradise: Wishing Power Demon
    Fantasia · Second Eye
  • King_of_Dezz_Nuts

    Ok this is just stupid and forced at this point even if they have the best sea defence in the whole world its still nothing abnormal that there are always a few rats that manage to bypass it by either luck or skill.

    Now it was Shandela's turn to be at a loss for words.
    Mystery Paradise: Wishing Power Demon
    Fantasia · Second Eye
  • King_of_Dezz_Nuts

    In fact one person would do it and there were cases like this in real world to

    "Because one person alone couldn't do this," Zhang Zhiyuan turned around, pretending not to hear Joe James's retort and picked up the photos again. At the same time, he became somewhat alert - in this completely unfamiliar game world, he was indeed a bit restless, almost overlooking the true purpose of his visit, "It's easy to kill a person with a knife or a gun, it can be done in a moment. But to arrange a scene like a crime scene, it's not something that can be done in a short time. Look at the background in the photos—"
    Mystery Paradise: Wishing Power Demon
    Fantasia · Second Eye
  • King_of_Dezz_Nuts


    "Now that everyone is prepared, please follow me." The host, without further ado, as if that mask was his real face, turned and pushed open a side door, entering another room.
    Mystery Paradise: Wishing Power Demon
    Fantasia · Second Eye
  • King_of_Dezz_Nuts
    Respondeu a King_of_Dezz_Nuts

    *wate= waste

    He quickly skimmed the exchangeable items on the list—compared to those mature games on the market, the things available in Paradise were eclectic and disorganized, as if hastily thrown together. They were divided into two main categories. The first was [Combat Support], with the Resurrection Scroll (limited) at the top, valued at 1000; followed by the Healing Card, valued at 750; the rest were swords, armor, and similar equipment, ranging from 150 to 50 in value. The other, [Life Support], had everything from pressure cookers, portable liquefied gas, lighters, Fish Harpoons... to even thermite packs.
    Mystery Paradise: Wishing Power Demon
    Fantasia · Second Eye
  • King_of_Dezz_Nuts

    Is this not just a wate of Mcs wish energy

    He quickly skimmed the exchangeable items on the list—compared to those mature games on the market, the things available in Paradise were eclectic and disorganized, as if hastily thrown together. They were divided into two main categories. The first was [Combat Support], with the Resurrection Scroll (limited) at the top, valued at 1000; followed by the Healing Card, valued at 750; the rest were swords, armor, and similar equipment, ranging from 150 to 50 in value. The other, [Life Support], had everything from pressure cookers, portable liquefied gas, lighters, Fish Harpoons... to even thermite packs.
    Mystery Paradise: Wishing Power Demon
    Fantasia · Second Eye
  • King_of_Dezz_Nuts

    Bruh why tf is everyone saying they country’s name like come on nobody cares

    "Exactly, I'm from the United Kingdom," the man nodded repeatedly. "When Joe told me about this, I didn't believe him; I thought he was just spouting nonsense after too many drinks. I never imagined what he said couldn't even capture one ten-thousandth of this world... This game is simply magical!"
    Mystery Paradise: Wishing Power Demon
    Fantasia · Second Eye
  • King_of_Dezz_Nuts
    Respondeu a King_of_Dezz_Nuts

    The more we read the less sense it makes. Why would the Mc waste his points to teleport the Police Officer to the train if it is not VR now

    "His name is Jason Tyler," James volunteered, "a friend I brought along."
    Mystery Paradise: Wishing Power Demon
    Fantasia · Second Eye
  • King_of_Dezz_Nuts
    Respondeu a

    We know mc can teleport to another world because of the rift but it was never mentioned that he can do it in real world to???

    "His name is Jason Tyler," James volunteered, "a friend I brought along."
    Mystery Paradise: Wishing Power Demon
    Fantasia · Second Eye
  • King_of_Dezz_Nuts


    "His name is Jason Tyler," James volunteered, "a friend I brought along."
    Mystery Paradise: Wishing Power Demon
    Fantasia · Second Eye