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I genuinely think this is a pretty good depiction of what a large chunk of adolescent males would do given an absurd amount of power that you didn't have to work for. especially one with no paternal figure amd has watched the world shit on the only person he's ever cared about. Is it right? No. Is it realistic. Yeh definitely.
can't write yourself into a hole with a mystery scroll
I agree but at the same time adrenaline after an event like that has a habit of keeping negative thoughts away
oh I definitely realized, but at first with a very fuzzy recollection I thought it was
hope you're doing well💕
says the guy who got here from buys
uhhh just for anyone reading this. never ever give a newborn water. alright that is all.
when would he have learned it and who would've taught it to him
I agree with this, he knew waaaaayyyyy to much about him.
not me trying to figure out the same thing two years later😂😂