


A typical girl plucked from her not-so-typical (imaginary) world. She dons the mask of a typical Accountant, working on spreadsheets and finances everyday. If time permits, however, she casts that ma

2022-10-07 JoinedPhilippines



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Whenever I close my eyes, I could still see and feel all of it in great detail. Whenever I close my eyes, I can still see myself wearing the same college uniform I used to wear through my eyelids. And once again I’m Lisa, just a typical college girl. Almost everyday was the same for me. Eat three meals a day, attend school, go home, watch television or surf the internet, write compositions or read and so on. I sometimes wish for excitement, a different kind of experience. I’m used to being alone. My sister died when we were still young, she’s the closest person I ever had. My parents were never home. I seldom see them; they are always occupied with their work. Of course, I was left to fend for myself. I’m not also very lucky to have any friends beside my books and pen. Others always tend to cringe away from me. Maybe it’s because they don’t really like me, or maybe I’m just a real freak in their unlikely eyes. It’s obvious that I don’t fit in. I just shrugged all that off and just try to satisfy myself with the atmosphere of solitude. A tear will escape now and then though. Solitude may numb my exterior, but my heart really craves for attention. She craves for someone who will love and care for her. Someone who could make her feel that she deserves to be treasured. I never thought that it will come so sudden that I barely even managed to blink my eyes. And I never imagined that it will only last for a short while.

LunaPolaris · Teen
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