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could become a version IGN but instead of being... shitty... they'd actually care about the games.
I get that... I still hope you give the attention deserved to "modern" era consoles eventually. xbox/playstation and 360/ps3 were elite times in gaming.
a novel that brings me back consistently lasting for a long long time is like a dream.
WOOOOAHHHHHH FANFIC MC WHO FEELS NOTHING AFTER KILLING???????? HOW ORIGINAL AND TOTALLY SPECIAL!!!!!!! Unless you are in fact a psychopath/sociopath you WILL feel something after killing someone. Whether that be anger, despair, or resignation it doesn't matter.
I believe you aren't reading the chapter properly. It's pretty jumpy so I get it but it seems to be that the arc reactors have been in use in big cities for months now and if even poorer countries are starting to make the move to arc technology now then that cause the market for oil to crash "overnight". It's not really overnight but the drop would be severe and quick.
how many fucking times are these assholes going to say this same exact shit word for fucking word?????!!!!!!!!!
ITS GOOD! The trilogy could be THE BATMAN, THE DARK KNIGHT, VENGEANCE. All things Batman is called
Native English speakers on webnovel don't give a shit about the grammar here because it's better than like 99% of other novels. Do whatever you need to hold on to the enjoyment of writing this great novel. It should be your escape from work, not just another job to come to after working overtime.
Really creative chapter names here my guy 😂😂
was just about to comment this. Hopefully Mathieu can be inspired to do something with Charles.