Love Brazil
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?? What is the reason for the bad evaluation?
From what I've seen so far, this fanfic is far above average compared to other fanfics on this site, the protagonist is incredible and I dare say he's better than Sunny in many aspects. So read it because it's really good
Gostei muito, o protagonista dessa fanfic uso o sistema de uma forma inteligente muito diferente do protagonista da novel original que usa o sistema de uma forma bem medíocre ,porém o autor mal atualiza essa história a última vez foi alguns meses atrás
When the MC has very strong power and with almost no limitations, the only way for the protagonist to not take over the world in a few weeks and make it stupid, and that's exactly what happened here. (Google translator)
It's hard to take your review seriously when your profile picture is trollface hahahaha
This is so beautiful!, a comments section without any insults or gratuitous hate, two people talking calmly without any fights, this is very rare here on this site (Google translate)
I really liked the development of the games, there's also a romance, but that's not important nor very interesting. (Google translate(eu amo eu amo eu amo
A lot of people didn't like the fact that Sunny was a slave, I didn't like it either, but I can say that the novel is incredible and more than makes up for the errors and negative points, I highly recommend you read it. my current chapter is 1319, you can see how much I liked the novel. (I'm using Google translate so I'm sorry if there are any English mistakes)
I didn't understand, he wanted to enter silently and the first thing he does is attack the angel who is certainly watched all the time and at all times, that's not exactly the stealthiest thing to do, besides it's well explained that The angel's precognition is limited in distance so it would be impossible for her to see or perceive the mc (precognition is limited mainly to the earth's surface)
3 ⭐⭐⭐ ?