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stop giving excuses she better die
yeah sure much better than getting shot by drunk psychopaths
well then you will be dealing with quality over quantity. if the population drops and the people remaining all have attributes above 5 let's say 7 So every one is above 7 in attributes then the max is 15 the average will be the sum number of everyone's attributes divided by the total population number.yeah I think 🤔 that should be about right well enjoy
we are pretty much the same then
disgusting 🤢 pigdude have some dignity you are bloody royalty. your very line should symbolise perfection and atmost majesty
bro remove this stuff ⏩⏩⏩ fast
and people be sure the dude 😜
thanks let me support 😄
hello 👋, pretty interesting story am currently on chapter 15, hopefully we get more chapters soon.[img=update]now for my thoughts I find the story flow enjoyable as the character moves from just being a clean slate to an individual with a goal. personal I don't like reading new releases because of the fact they might get drop and the overall lack of chapters but here I am I trust feel ashamed if the author is slow with chapter realises [img=update][img=proud]well go away now[img=update]