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You don’t want her she’s for the streets
The only thing I’m kind of disappointed on with the interaction between the two is that MC den say anything about anyone believing in him like how could she just so easily think that he did all those things in the beginning in the novel
OK, this is very lame. They have no reason to even believe anything he says why would they just all of a sudden drop everything and follow him they have no idea who he is if this is or if he is speaking the truth , this feels extremely forced. If this is what’s gonna be a staple in this story I don’t think I can continue reading this.
Yea agreed think what people don’t like about the template idea or even the system is that it feels too forced and it makes no real sense to add it in the story there’s no logical reason for him to have a system or template. And even if they add a rob as a reason why they have it, it feels too forced unless the ROB plays a big role in the story which most of the time is never the case. Another reason why I would only accept a system template is that everybody in the world has one and it makes sense because that is the magic system. I’m much rather have the main character has the powers, but no explanation not some system or template.. or better yet be the actual character
I honestly don’t like templates. they act like the character, which is annoying why not just make it the original with creative storytelling instead of having a random, nobody transform into the character
I knew after reading the synopsis that this novel would be trash 🗑️
Make no sense ? Why is his name Gilgamesh if it’s not even him.
Why is his name Gilgamesh if it’s not him
Yea sadly
Ok this is just stupid, I don’t know how much I can read this idiocracy