If you're reading this gimme ten pushups
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You definitely can, I try to provide desc riptions of everything, and my plotline doesn’t really follow the canon material, I mainly just use the world and characters, hope u enjoy the read :)
J'aime les excrétions vaginales
Dear readers, do I put too many jokes in this fic? I get a kick out of them, but I understand some don't like em.
Thank you for the genuine review! I did not expect my first fic to be read by anyone, so didn’t take it very seriously at the start. Doing some revisions, hope you’ll be back soon!
Finished a book today that made me realize that writing has immense power. To make readers love and hate characters, and become immersed in worlds only limited by imagination and work. To create universes that live on in thousands of peoples minds and hearts, and stay alive generations past a writers short lifespan. Anyway Ima keep trying to make funny fanfics on the internet
Love me a Zelda fic 😊💀😱🔥🫦🫦💅💅🦆🦆👍💦😠😔😄😈😈🌌😌🙏🙏😳😉😄😄🫡🫡🫣🤣☄️🫣🫡
Sorry bad upload, names for sawed-offs?
These dudes ar pretty cool