I be reading and shit
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Lol, no real point unfortunately. It’s explained in the author note I posted a minute ago
Shameless author 5 star review. Around 1,000 word chapters on average. No update schedule. This is my first work, feedback is appreciated and taken into consideration. Ps: I will eventually run out of ideas since I’m not really a writer so any given ideas will be very helpful.
Shameless author 5 star review. Around 1,000 word chapters on average. No update schedule. This is my first work, feedback is appreciated and taken into consideration. Ps: I will eventually run out of ideas since I’m not really a writer so any given ideas will be very helpful.
Where the chapters go?
Sorry for your loss
One of the best cmdk fics out with good ideas and character design
You should make him only use his claws and make the claws weapons themselves. Like his hands are weapons kinda like how in bleach aizens and ichigos zanpukto fused with their arms/hands except in this case it’s his natural claws instead of a sword. And if you go this route you can also go the martial art route as well since he would be a hand to hand combatint similar to how killua fights.
Do shadow fruit and you can combine it with either Sunnless powers from shadow slave and or shadow monarch powers. And since shadows and darkness are similar you can also give him the darkness fruit with it