Dragon one (Dragon Ball Super x Male reader) What if the events of Dragon Ball Super played out ever so differently than how they originally went in the anime and manga? How would the following arcs progress or regress as a result of a few minor or significant changes? Here's a scenario......Imagine if, from the moment Beerus woke up, to the moment he arrived on KIng Kai's planet, how the circumstances would of went if this happened or that didn't happen or this was included.
Sorry for being so vague but, I hope you're just as excited as I am to find out too.
I also recommend reading this book when you have a good amount of free time as most chapters are rather long and a bit tedius to get through, though, with the right imagination, I promise it will be worth it.
Follow me on Wattpad to get more chaps earlier than here as there is where I mainly post
aloliindisguise · Anime e Quadrinhos
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