Story telling is a blurred line between reality and dreams,
de leitura
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Time to bring my first masterpiece to a close, we are at the final chapters. The experience was ... educational for me being my first time and all, but i got to say, it's still a gem, even though not as polished as i would like it to be, even so give it a try and let me know your thoughts . Don't forget to show your support and let me know your thoughts, so i can add it to my experience to better my next creations. Any questions , let me know.
and here I thought it couldn't get any better. Excellent work. Thanks for the chapter
Thanks for the chapter, awaiting the next
more, where is the next chapter
Harsh, but thanks for your opinion ... first hate comment I have gotten... 😅
Did not lie, will get more exposure as the story progresses... it's just the first chapters
Thanks for giving it a try