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you haven't read yet already reviewed, this novel is really interesting, this novels basically about upgrading liyue into modern town, inventing stuff, from chapter 1 to until currently chapter, create town, create bridge, create cars, create power generator, build mall, build houses(modern house) build appartment, MC have power of Herrscher of Reason from Honkai
The most epic Genshin Impact fanfic story I've read so far. Before this I read this fanfic translated by user LORD_INDRA but has been a months he/she not update. the translations here so far aren't too bad, it's just that the anime character names sometimes aren't translated correctly. Like Genshin impacy characters' names are ok. I ever read worst translation then this one.
The translation is not that bad, there are even worse translations then this novel, you just never read it.
really good novel, this my type fanfic I wan't read finaly someone is writing novel like this, thank you author, I hope you keep update this novel 👍😊
this really good fanfic the plot so interesting a lot of comedy moment in this fanfic, I try to search in translate or not, look like it original fanfic from author. keep update 👍🤣
I've read up to chapter 70, it's quite interesting and the grammar is quite good, but sometimes there are pokemon names that are wrongly translated. I think this is a chinese novel, this kind of novel is hard to translate because there are so many pokemon names that are wrongly translated using machine translator. I understand author have difficult to translate this novel. please don't despair, please keep updating
keep update, the story so far is pretty good. [img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend]
I really like the author to put emojis in each part of the text in this fanfic Novel, but not all readers will like it, but in my opinion, it's easier to understand the story line.
After reading this novel, I can say that it is quite interesting, and the author has made significant improvements in correcting any incorrect information and misspelled words whenever pointed out. [img=exp][img=exp][img=recommend]
I planning up to fix the grammar and confused word 😁 thank you for read