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I don’t know if I fully agree with what you say, but I understand what you are getting at. I dont think the author was going for a completely dark and emotionless MC. At the start he was, but over time he has character development and changes like most people would. I don’t know your circumstances, but I think caring about one’s family isn’t a pathetic thing to do. Also I can see you struggled with this apps auto correct just as I have lol.
Shadow Slave is by far the best Light novel you will find on the Internet. If you are looking to fully immerse yourself into a story this is the one for you. The world building, character development, power system, villans, and plot are all each the best I have seen and I couldn’t get enough of it. As someone who has read close to 1000 different light novels, most seam like garbage to me now and I will forever feel like somthing is missing in them as I compare them to this novel. I will not spoil anything and sincerely hope that you pick this novel up and read it and watch as all the puzzle pieces fall together as the story goes on. I hope you read and find yourself asking questions about the story and predict what may happen only to be right or often completely thrown off just as I was. This was an incredibly enjoyable story and the only one I have ever found myself being willing to pay the author to keep it going, along with downloading this app to write the review. GuiltyFree you have done an incredible job with this and I sincerely wish you the best as this story is a piece of art. Please continue to work on it as myself, and I assume many others, are eager to see how our characters will develop. Thank you! ;)