Uncharted Affections After serving the military for countless number of wars, the Knight Ahn Uk decided it's time to put down the sword and live as a commoner. But, as the knight, it's his duty to serve for his lifetime, whether he like it or not. A discussion within the disciplinary board about his retirement leading him to a brand new job scope; a bodyguard to a young prince of the Royal Kingdom of Ki family.
Underestimated by new post, Uk grabbed the opportunity with one intention; to secure his freedom from the military. Turns out, it wasn't an easy way out. Prince Min Jun is nothing but a rebellious 20-year old young prince who never follows the rules. He loves a wild lifestyle even though he's aware of his illness. Their first encounter was awkward and forceful, making the prince felt the real pressure for having a book strict bodyguard like Uk.
Unknowingly, things got turned when both of them slowly willing to learn about each other after a light talk one night. Min Jun unconsciously developed a feelings for Uk, only to be dismiss coldly by the bodyguard. The young prince did whatever it takes to get close to Uk, with the aim to make the man fall for him.
Things got complicated between them during the crown prince's 25th birthday celebration. Uk, who experience some odd situation suddenly wake up the next day in the private chamber of Min Jun. The worst part is the state of himself while waking up, bundle in the young prince's embrace in the most natural state. The incident causes a strain relationship between two men. Uk feels that Min Jun is taking advantage of his state, slowly drawing a thick line and avoiding Min Jun, who on the other hand, can't hide his feeling towards Uk anymore. However, after an incident that happened at Min Jun's royal resident, everything changed between them. The two realize they couldn't live without each other, thus, they started to have a relationship.
At the same time, there was a news to Min Jun and his friends about an attempted murder that targetting him by an unknown entity. The team began to investigate the matter, only to unveil some sinister fact about the incident. At the same time, Min Jun and Uk's relationship was put in test due to its abnormality among the people of the era.
Will they passed the test and be together despite of the judgement society? Who is the person behind the attempted murder of Min Jun and why he was the target? Everything will be answered in this book, so stay tune!
anya_mac69 · Histórico
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