


....... You don't wanna know....... ☠️

2022-06-14 JoinedGlobal



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Total Manipulation [ Original ]

Hello guys It's The Ends Of Days here sorry i couldn't keep fulfill the promise i made to yáll, there are a few reasons but stating them will just sound like an excuse so all I'll say is i apologize i should have saw this coming since things never go the way i plan. . Anyway before you continue there are two things you must know and the first is that i'm horrible with names, i'm so bad i think i took lessons from Sung Jinwoo, and the second is that I'm equally bad at synopsis but here goes nothing. ******** Dylan Von James, that is the name of our MC a young man thrown into a Dimension where Gods and Immortals reign supreme, what will our MC do Armed with an Overpowered System and Constructs. ********** Yeah that's it i told yáll i was bad, anyways here are more tags...... World Hopping, Anti hero Protagonist, Vengeful Protagonist, Fast paced and a little Gore. . Also I'm Currently working on a Discord sever and I'll post the link here when I'm done or I'll post it in it's incomplete phase I'll keep yáll posted on my decision later in the novel chapters Discord Link : https://discord.gg/3kGkH34QP9 Patroen Link : Patreon.com/ted49 . Another thing to know is that my second novel will be a fanfic about My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires [ i Sent Victor a message, he saw it but didn't reply so i'll took that as a yes, Thanks V if you see this ] while the Third will be an Original so yeah off you go and have a blast... . 3 Chapters a week. But we can play some games in between, where i'll give you all a task and if you guys can complete it.... well more chapters for you!.

The_Ends_Of_Days · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs