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Me too
Yes; I am read that information more down
It’s ok, it’s difficult to make a new species
That makes a lot of sense if you think about it, humanity proved not to be able to resist temptation, and that's why it was limited.
Very very logical action
This enhances my previous point, in their degradation and immorality humanity got carried away and did not consider what the world's protective system had fought against, and by being so careless they condemned their civilization, just like the civilizations that have crumbled throughout weather
It’s very logical wen you think
I think it is a really good work of the author, I am satisfied with this because the ancient civilization fell
Oh! so it's at that moment that humanity went off the rails, trying to recover what was destroyed in a fight that they couldn't reach, very interesting and poetic if you ask me, but I feel like it's quite interesting the fact that they will get to that point, It sounds to me like they were corrupted by the occult because they couldn't bear to have their future left unknown, and when they tried to take destiny with their mortal hands they couldn't handle the power without it corrupting them even more, emotions like anger, sadness, fear, all those emotions are good bases to dominate a person, and when reaching the collective agreement of those emotions (Reason why I am not at all in favor of the collective agreement, I have not seen that it has really brought anything good ), it was at that moment that it could happen that the void manipulated humanity, or those who had more malevolent thoughts gained free rein to fulfill their objectives no matter how immoral they were, after all if those who seek to live their lives well and Therefore, they respect others, they are too busy crying or feeling sorry for each other (Which logically are the majority, since if they are the minority, that civilization ends instantly), then those who had malicious intentions contaminated the rest with manipulation and psychological torture. which caused degradation and immoral acts to become the norm. It is a very good representation of the fall of a civilization, I think it is a really good work of the author, I am satisfied with this because the ancient civilization fell