TRIO TUBBY adventure Lot, Lat, and Lit were fat boys. They are still in middle school. Unintentionally, they get involved in many exciting adventures, even adventures that are unique and mysterious. They have to risk their lives because their enemy is cruel criminals, even psychopaths. The first time, they fight with the Stone Heart, a mysterious stone that can bring statues to life. When it fell into the hands of criminals, Stone Herat was used to revive statues in Jakarta and terrorize residents. They are also fight with the awesomeness of Besoa Valley which holds a deadly curse, fight street monsters, engaging in war between beggar gangs and buskers, hunting killer birds, vengeful snake charmers who kill many victims, psychopaths in haunted houses, serial killers with the symbol of the Rose Killer, terrorists who became the bride of heaven, and a cursed gun that claimed many lives. Exciting, tense, funny, and romantic.
setiawansasongko · Urbano
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