


addicted to webtoons and smut Of Fire and Stardust updates on Sun, Mon, Wed, and Fri From Ruby to Rhyot updates on Tue, Thu, and Sat

2022-04-22 UnidoGlobal



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From Ruby to Rhyot

[MATURE CONTENT] Updates on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. ||| Her eyes paused on my son and they widened as she pieced it together. "Shit, is he," "Careful, Leah," I stopped her. "If you want to talk about the past, do it when my son is not around." She covered her mouth with her hand, "Shit." "Were you... friends?" Rhett asked carefully. "No. I had no friends in school," I told him. "We were classmates." "I was friends with your uncle," she told him. "My what?" My son frowned. I glared at her and she gasped, "He don't know... Cole?" "Was he part of the family that cut ties with you, mum?" "Yes," I said shortly. "Mind your words Leah, Rhett has no connections with the family I had in Massachusetts, only with my English family. So, before your run your mouth, think first." "Was he your brother, mum?" Rhett asked. "Yes," I clenched my jaw. "He was. Our life choices made so he ain't no brother of mine now. He isn't worthy of your recognition either." My son caressed my back, noticing my anxiety, "It's okay, aunt Leah, I don't want to know anything about them. My whole life I only had mum and grandma, and that's enough for me." "Does he know?" She asked me. "It doesn't concerns him," I snapped. "Ruby, it clearly does," she looked at my son from head to toe. "No, it does not," I hissed. "Will you stay like this forever then?" What the hell is her deal? "When he's of age, he can choose to know more about the rest of his bloodline, but until then, it's up to me to make choices that will keep him safe. Away from the danger that lies in there. So, yes, until he turns 18, or until he graduates, things will remain like this, as they should." "Which one is it?" She asked. "1 or 2?" I gasped, "Excuse me? I wasn't a whore, Leah." "Well, you could have done it without knowing. Many did." My jaw dropped, "I know who it was." "1 or 2, then?" This bitch. "2," I hissed. "I was never close to 1." "Well, 1 was certainly close to you." I frowned, "What? What are you talking about?" "You don't know?" She arched her brows. "Know what?" My frown deepened. "Oh, man, you never talked to any of them after you moved to Oxford in early July, did you?" I swallowed, anxiety rising up, "No, why?" "Oh," she blinked, "shit. You don't know." "Know what, Leah?" I asked exasperated. "Are you... sure it was 2?" I clenched my jaw, "Yes." "100%?" "I know who my son's father is, damn it!" I yelled, frustrated, but as soon as it was out, I cursed myself, mentally regretting saying that out loud. "Was... my dad a twin?" Rhett asked, too damn smart for his own good. Closing my eyes, I cursed under my breath, "Yes." "He didn't know that?" Leah gasped. "An identical twin?" My son gasped. Sigh, "Yes." "You've... been with both?" Neville butt in. "No!" I gasped horrified. "Jesus, no." "Was 2... the youngest twin?" Rhett asked. I growled, "Yes. Yes, he was, alright? He was falling behind his grades, I was assigned to be his private teacher, because I was the top 1 in class, and he wasn't so intelligent. The headmaster said that if I helped that idiot, I would get my recommendation letter to Oxford, so, I did it, even though I didn't want to. He was a pain in the arse most of the time, but sometimes... sometimes he was the best guy I had ever met. I fell for him by May, but he didn't fall for me. After he rejected me, we got together one last time in June, that was when you came into the picture. I only learned about you in August." "You were... already in Oxford," Leah realized. I swallowed, "Yes. I was already in Oxford, I had already severed contact with the Sinnott and taken up mum's last name instead, Vaughan. Then my mum told me the truth about what Rhett's paternal family actually was about, the danger they actually represented, and I realized how stupid I had been, and how much danger I had put my son and myself in, by having a son with a guy from that family," I side eyed Rhett, "I don't regret you at all."

LoserOrLover · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
43 Chs

Of Fire and Stardust

[MATURE CONTENT] Updates on Sundays, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Two main protagonists, twins. Four point of views. ||| "What did you saw in your vision, my love? You are making me anxious." Sobbing, she hugged him, wetting his shoulders, which she never did, since he was usually the cry baby in their relationship, so he knew shit was serious, "Death." "What?" He choked on air. "That can't be true. We'll fight it, Cece. We'll go through anything. We won't fall. No one can kill us!" "I saw death, Sol. We have three days. It's… it's inevitable. We'll be overpowered, and destruction will spread through our lands like a wild fire. Everything… everything will be destroyed!" She cried. Only then he understood he felt from his wife since she had the damned vision. At that moment, he wished with all his heart that she had the gift of only seeing the past, instead of both the past and the future. "That can't be, Cece. We…" He touched his forehead on hers, his tears rolling down, mirroring hers. "Our daughters… what are we going to do?" "We have to hide them, Sol. Hide them away of any fae that could possibly find them. If they do, it'll be bad. They always hated us for being so strong. And their fear will be our doom," her arms hugged him tighter, and held her with the same intensity. "Strong fae such as us unlock their powers at a young age, Cece. If we have to hide them, we'll have to lock their powers away for at least 19 years. The Academy only takes in 18-year-old fae, they never take someone who's supposed to be in the second year. So, they won't be able to link them to us." In a second, Sir Gavin knocked and came in with the two baby girls, and handed them to their parents with all the care in the world, then he bowed 90° and left. "Sun God above," Queen Celeste muttered as she took Asteria in her arms. "She looks angelic and different." King Solis nodded, already loving the two babies with all his heart, "She has both our eyes. The left is silver like yours, the right is golden like mine. Her hair will grow to be mainly ebony as mine, but with this," he pointed at it softly, "small streak in the right frontal top being snowy white like your hair," then his eyes traveled to Zephyra, "while this little one has both silver-ish grey eyes and her entire hair will be ebony." The Queen bit her bottom lip, trying not to cry, then took off her top, so the babies would be able to each drink from one of her breasts. "I… I wish none of that would happen, Sol," she did her best not to cry, but the King could feel how the pain was consuming her. He was feeling the same way. "Me neither, my love. All I wanted was for us to be with them, watch them grown, and give them our all. It hurts to think about the future that awaits for us. But we can't be reckless, you are right. We may fall but we'll fall fighting, and we can't let anything happen to them," he caressed his daughters head softly, almost not touching because their skin was still too sensible. "We'll do our best to protect them," she agreed, closing her eyes and letting her tears fall again. She wasn't someone who cried that much, but the pain was too much. The knowledge breaking her, reaping her heart to shreds. "I hope you will be able to understand all of this one day," she whispered to her babies, and turned to her husband. "My heart aches so much, my love." He flinched, not holding his tears anymore, "I feel you, my love. My heart is breaking apart too. But we have to be strong. If not for us, for them. For Asteria and Zephyra." Solis whispered through their bond. "But where will we be able to hide them? Where will it be hard for them to find our girls?" The Queen took a deep breath, "The Human world."

LoserOrLover · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
36 Chs

The Countess and the Beast

[MATURE CONTENT] Uncle Heath gave me a look that said that he knows what I'm doing and that he finds me petty and a scheming sly fox. He suggested countless times that I changed my codename from The Countess to Fox or Nine-tailed Fox, because he says it suits me better, or a Serpent, but I don't care. I am literally a Countess after all. He sighed. "Okay, Countess, you won. But if you get yourself killed on this, the same way your parents and their friends later on did, don't come back to haunt me as a ghost. I've been trying to protect you, as I promised I would as your Godfather, but you are a stubborn lil thing who kept insisting on this. You're 27 now, you better not die younger than you mom did." "Wait," Harriet gasped, "the mission you want," "It's the one my parents were working on when they died. Probably the reason why they died and related to their killers," sigh. "It's what kept me working all of those years, the hope on getting my hands on this mission, and uncover what actually happened in July 9th of 1999." I hate number 9, it signifies unluck to me, while 7 is my lucky number. Call me superstitious if you want, I feel like it's an actual thing. "All the documents on their death are here, it's kept secret together with the archived mission they were working in." "Ah, Selene," she said softly, coming closer, full of compassion but not touching me, as her hands are dirty with uncle Heath's cock. Ew, ew. "It's okay, it's been 24 years now," sigh. "Which makes me want to solve it even more," then I turned my eyes to uncle Heath, who was now up, standing at 1.97m, opening his safe that's hidden behind the big painting of a scenery found in Sicily, Italy, which Harriet painted. Picking a thick file in a leather case, he held it under his left arms and locked the safe again, covering it with the painting. I broke into it once, but I was unable to crack the code of the safe. I always knew he hid this file in there, "Be careful, for the love of God, Selene." "I will, I promise!" Narrowing his eyes, he raised his right pinky finger and I cringed in disgust. "Wash your hands first, ew." Rolling his eyes, we quickly went to the bathroom at the back of his office and then came back, hands clean, file still under his arm. "There you go, now, pinky it up, I know better than believe your shallow spoken words by now, I know how scheming you are." Grinning like a wolf who had been caught in sheep's clothing, I raised my pinky finger and intertwined with his. "I promise I'll be careful." Sigh, "I can't believe I'm giving you this. The last two times I gave these damned files to someone, they died. You batter change that statistics to 2:1 instead of 3:0, Selene. Do you understand me?" I grabbed the files, but he kept his hold on it, "I understand," with all my strength, I tried tugging it to me and out of his grip, and after a lil struggle, he let go.

LoserOrLover · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
34 Chs

Her Auction

[MATURE CONTENT] "This could be that once in a lifetime chance, Kore." "You will be the diamond of this auction, all eyes will be on you, they will go all out to get you, because you are a Mortimer, and in Crims'On that may be a bad thing, but out of here it ain't. Not even in Hell is, if you want to know." "I don't want to know," I scowled at the idea. "Well, either way, the auction stars from lady number 1 and ends on lady number 10, the 10th is the diamond, and the highest bids always go to the 9th and the 10th ladies. This year, mom is making sure we'll break her record. So, she will rise one hundred million mahjs in each lady, which I shouldn't be telling you as I signed an NDA about it, but it seems like you need to know to possibly rethink that depressing decision of yours. There's always only one lady from Crims'On, except on my mom's aucton because she was the diamond, and the Crims'On ladies are always the diamonds, so you will be number 10, the last one." Justine nodded, "The 1st girl will be auctioned for more than 100 million mahjs, Kore, because the price always rises above the first bid, always. By the time your turn comes, the bid will start in 1 billion mahjs, and it will rise exponentially and probably go up to 10 billion if not more, because you are a Mortimer after all and more than 50 out of the 100 males handpicked for it by Grég's mom will be there solely to buy you, to marry you and get their offsprings out of your bloodline. Because that's what the auction is about, it's not sex slaves or some shit, it's to buy them a suitable wife from an important bloodline, so they can have even stronger children, and there ain't no bloodline more wanted than yours right now." "All the other nine girls will be getting 10% out of their selling price!" Clenching my jaw, I narrowed my eyes at him, "Are you open to bargain?" Their eyes widened as if they had not expected me to say that, "Yes!" "I know how much I'm worth, and it's a very, very high price, and if I'm the one on the line of fire here, plus I know the power my bloodline carries, just as I know the weight and the consequences of it. I want more than 10%. I want 20%!" That could make me a billionaire, I might never be able to be one aside from this. Justine gasped and he swallowed, "15%!" He tried to bargain. Bitch, I'm more expensive than that. "25%, non-negotiable!" I exclaimed. "That's a bloody lot," they gasped. "I ain't asking for 50%, am I? I could, given how much I know for a fact that your family craves to sell me. I'm asking for 25%, that's ¼ of what you will get by selling me off to whoever. What if a bastard from Hell buys me? That would be a fucking nightmare, so, this is damage control. If you can guarantee me that I will get 25% and be a billionaire by doing this stupidity, I will do it!" They shared a look and back to me, "I promise in the name of the Styx." I grinned mischievously, "Well, you better back that up, sunny boy." "But you have to promise too!" He exclaimed. So, I raised my hand, "I promise, that if you keep your promise, and give me 25% of the profit you gain on my back, with no taxes or complaints, I will be as agreeable as possible and take part of this year's Valentine's Auction to sell me off to marry a stranger, in the name of the Styx."

LoserOrLover · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs