

2022-04-06 UnidoGlobal

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  • Tiyasha_Pal_2000

    Maybe reincarnation and Duke is taking this as a Dream

    Ch 148 The Queen of Polis (1)
    Crazy Duke and Fallen Queen
    História · xiaohai_23
  • Tiyasha_Pal_2000

    umm. . Illegitimate child? her mother and the prime minister? . .

    Only later, I found out that it was her younger half-brother, the son of her late mother and the Prime Minister of when she was just a toddler.
    Crazy Duke and Fallen Queen
    História · xiaohai_23
  • Tiyasha_Pal_2000

    Thea really need a Divorce. She is being paranoid here. She was forced to get married and she will never forget that neither I am asking her to forget it but she should have felt herself, how much Duke loves her. Yeah he has some anger issues in some cases but Thea is also getting annoying day by day. Duke is overprotective, I think trauma from previous life Or something, and Thea not knowing those, is showing too much stubborness and courage.

    Ch 143 Men are complicated
    Crazy Duke and Fallen Queen
    História · xiaohai_23
  • Tiyasha_Pal_2000

    I went back to where Thea and her uncle converse. He said about being happy to meet his niece and Duke was by thea's side so he shouldn't have missed that point...

    Ch 105 The Lady wants friends (2)
    Crazy Duke and Fallen Queen
    História · xiaohai_23
  • Tiyasha_Pal_2000

    she is just a maid! a maid! why tolerate her? punish her. you mean you can't punish her because it will cause a rumor? are you serious? ??

    I turn my gaze away, pretending to be bored by her presence, rather than annoyed. Her eyes are full of fury as if I made her suffer who knows what pain. At least, she's smart enough not to say anything.
    Crazy Duke and Fallen Queen
    História · xiaohai_23
  • Tiyasha_Pal_2000

    "what the Duke wants from me' Thea. .. . what do you think the Duke wants from you? he wants you to love him. only that. You will break his heart when he realises that you think he is with you just for your body or something. It's already breaking my heart just to think how Duke will react to your thoughts, once he knows . 😣

    It's rather evident what the Duke wants from me, and I don't have any valid reason to reject him. As for me, even though I tried to hide it, my husband understood my thoughts and did his best to help me.
    Crazy Duke and Fallen Queen
    História · xiaohai_23
  • Tiyasha_Pal_2000

    No dear. you are just being yourself. Not on alert. ..

    I rub my forehead, trying to reorder my confused thoughts. I'm becoming dumb, as of lately. Am I ageing perhaps?
    Crazy Duke and Fallen Queen
    História · xiaohai_23
  • Tiyasha_Pal_2000

    She seriously needs a break, comfort and love. She needs someone to show her true self not just a courageous prideful queen who is not scared of death. I hope Duke will be her comfort person. I am waiting for those moments. [img=recommend]

    A lone tear crosses my cheek at the thought of my brother, all alone somewhere south. I hope the Duke doesn't notice, as it's a private part of me I'd like to keep secret. I've struggled so much not to let anyone from Ethiro think that I'm easy to scare...
    Crazy Duke and Fallen Queen
    História · xiaohai_23
  • Tiyasha_Pal_2000

    This was such a beautiful read. I loved this. Reading all the couples different personalities and their attitude towards Life, how they became the better version of themselves for their loved ones, despite of the challenges, happy and sad moments, they stick together. I have read stories before in apps only 😅 but it's the First time I read such a beautiful written story and s** scenes spiced it up for me 😝. The story lacked nothing for me. Keep it on Author!! 👍

    Doted by the Alpha (S1&S2)
    LGBT+ · lesson101
  • Tiyasha_Pal_2000

    You think Jordan deserve to be happy with his child, when he tried to kill of another ?

    After the call ended, Diego was finally able to relax a little. For his family, he would do anything. Jordan might hate what he's about to do but if this will secure a better peaceful life for both Jordan and their child, then he was willing to even risk his own life.
    Doted by the Alpha (S1&S2)
    LGBT+ · lesson101
  • Tiyasha_Pal_2000

    I understand that one can do anything for Love but it irritates me when someone, instead of making their psychotic lover understand what they are doing is wrong, keeps on supporting them. Slowly try to emphasize that what he is doing is wrong!!. How can you yourself be happy with your child and husband, when you are bawling your eyes out on the fact that a fellow innocent omega didn't lost his child?. You are bound to suffer.

    "Nooo! I can't stop crying because I'm angry, sad and I'm fucking hormonal!" Jordan yelled and cried even louder. Why does it have to be so hard to seek revenge? He isn't even asking that much! He just wants the people who made him and his mother suffer when he was young. Was that too much to ask for?
    Doted by the Alpha (S1&S2)
    LGBT+ · lesson101
  • Tiyasha_Pal_2000

    I think not willbe 'now'

    "Hmmm, something did happen," Laotian replied silently thanking that they're not out of the previous topic.
    Doted by the Alpha (S1&S2)
    LGBT+ · lesson101
  • Tiyasha_Pal_2000

    Ummm. please don't kill innocent 😞

    "Tch…" Clicking his tongue as he waved his hand to his men indicating to finish everything already, Hanlu subconsciously rubbed his stomach that was now throbbing in pain. This was the third person they've visited today in an attempt to find that kidnapper, but to no avail, they still haven't found the bastard.
    Doted by the Alpha (S1&S2)
    LGBT+ · lesson101
  • Tiyasha_Pal_2000

    Okay!! Now no more quarrel. Now take a rest. Just how many times Laotian's wound should be stitched back huh????. Give it a rest both of you

    Ch 202 Forever Ally
    Doted by the Alpha (S1&S2)
    LGBT+ · lesson101
  • Tiyasha_Pal_2000

    I know that Laotian is also underworld business. the world is corrupted, so to protect their rights if someone has to do dirty works then I have no problem but if innocent people are killed or harmed then I will be a little disappointed .

    Ch 175 No More Secrets
    Doted by the Alpha (S1&S2)
    LGBT+ · lesson101
  • Tiyasha_Pal_2000

    Rather than fretting about the matter himself, he should still try to give hint to Daniel that he sense danger with Bronson. At least Daniel should wait until the twins are born, because being pregnant is making him more vulnerable to dangers.

    "Well, since you love me so much and people say you're my doting husband, then you should be letting me do what I want." Daniel pretended he was thinking at first and said all this without shame like a very spoiled wife. Laotian who listened only chuckled. Daniel was right, even if he didn't want Daniel to have contact with that man as he was dangerous in his eyes, Laotian would never stop Daniel from doing what he wants. All that Laotian could do is to protect his precious wife from the dark. Make sure everything is safe for him.
    Doted by the Alpha (S1&S2)
    LGBT+ · lesson101
  • Tiyasha_Pal_2000

    If the suprise visit of the artist was not planned by Laotian or any close family, then it is disturbing. Daniel's location is secret so I don't care the artist is bad or not but he came to visit a pregnant wife of someone who is a stranger to him. feels weird!!

    Ch 146 A Surprising Visit (1)
    Doted by the Alpha (S1&S2)
    LGBT+ · lesson101
  • Tiyasha_Pal_2000

    Great Grandson in law??? meaning ?

    At least his great grandson-in-law contributed such good genes; he was not that useless all in all. Elder Sullen thought.
    Doted by the Alpha (S1&S2)
    LGBT+ · lesson101
  • Tiyasha_Pal_2000

    Act as much as you want Veronica This is your time. But when truth will come out, that will be the doom of you. Especially by the woman who is caring for you now. I am waiting for it to happen

    "Don't worry, Dear! You're a lovely woman, I don't see a reason Xiao Luu wouldn't fall for you." Laura Mo cooed Veronica as she calmed the actress down. The poor girl had been crying since Hanlu left.
    Doted by the Alpha (S1&S2)
    LGBT+ · lesson101
  • Tiyasha_Pal_2000

    Torture Hanlu. don't let him meet In and lan easily This dumba** is still close with Veronica!!!![img=faceslap]

    Ch 101 Ear-Shattering Silence
    Doted by the Alpha (S1&S2)
    LGBT+ · lesson101