


I'm A Certified Edge lord. Evil And Anti-Hero Characters Are The Best, Anything Else Is Trash. Righteous Mc's Aren't Pushin P.

2022-03-26 UnidoUnited Kingdom



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  • DaiostOfEdge
    Respondeu a HaracasAye

    1. Muzan appearing out of nowhere ye I guess thats true so thats on me, 2. the mc isn't stronger than Muzan, he just used his brain to scare Muzan away by using the same powers Yoriichi did, therefore reminding Muzan of Yoriichi. 3. The demon slayer world is boring imo so I decided to end it quicker. 4. he got a 65% increase because 1, he killed a demon slayer, 2. he killed a breathing user, 3, he killed a character related to the plot and 4 he killed Tanjiro, it wasn't all for killing Tanjiro. 5. the flash power is just his speed lol, I'm not good at writing fighting scenes and I'm still working on that, it's just that the mc has 85% of yoriichi's template, of course his fast enough to 'flash' behind people. 6. he doesn't have to just kill the protagonist to become really strong, it's just that in this case killing the mc knocked multiple birds with one stone, it wont always be like that, it's just that, in this world the plot kinda revolves all around Tanjiro, but in a different world like Naruto, even IF the mc killed Naruto, he probably wouldn't get that much stronger, depending on how strong Naruto was at the time. And finally the quests aren't just killing people, the mc is a villain his system is going to give quests that you know help him be a villain, maybe in the next world where there is more to write about the mc might do something else, but in this world other than killing important characters there wasn't much to do. Just an example, in the world of Naruto maybe the mc will make and org similar to the akatsuki and steal chakra beast and do other things, it's just that ds is such a small world and there's not much to write about when you don't know all about it.

    Ch 7 Muzan
    The Multiversal Villain
    Anime e quadrinhos · DaiostOfEdge
  • DaiostOfEdge
    Respondeu a XenonNoble

    tbh he looks like a 15-16 year old since he has the body of judar.

    Lifespan - 200 Years - You Stop Growing For 100 Years Then You Age Once Again Depending On Your Age, EX - If you are 18 you will stop aging until 118, once you are 118 you will age like a normal 18 year old, 19, 20, 21, etc.
    The Multiversal Villain
    Anime e quadrinhos · DaiostOfEdge
  • DaiostOfEdge
    Respondeu a Lord_Disaster

    Read the chapter 2 comments section for the answer.

    Ch 8 Don't Read
    The Multiversal Villain
    Anime e quadrinhos · DaiostOfEdge
  • DaiostOfEdge
    Respondeu a Anonymous_0075

    Well, his current strength doesn't matter since next chapter...

    Ch 5 Bloodline
    The Multiversal Villain
    Anime e quadrinhos · DaiostOfEdge
  • DaiostOfEdge
    Respondeu a GoldBySilver

    The system doesn't have full intelligence, so it can't say complete sentences all the time, I delivered it horribly but this was my way of showing that the system was not smart.

    The Multiversal Villain
    Anime e quadrinhos · DaiostOfEdge
  • DaiostOfEdge
    Respondeu a GoldBySilver


    Ch 3 Training
    The Multiversal Villain
    Anime e quadrinhos · DaiostOfEdge
  • DaiostOfEdge
    Respondeu a GoldBySilver

    Yeah tbh I haven't thought of his background, I literally just wrote the syp as I thought. Meaning I only had one thought in mind 'Make the syp something that explains why the mc is ruthless and kinda crazy'

    Ch 1 New World
    The Multiversal Villain
    Anime e quadrinhos · DaiostOfEdge
  • DaiostOfEdge
    Respondeu a xlvlx

    He tortured them, thats what he used his connections for, he had them all kidnapped and tortured horribly, thats my excuse as to why my mc is so ruthless, because he was willing to torture his family and friends.

    Ch 1 New World
    The Multiversal Villain
    Anime e quadrinhos · DaiostOfEdge
  • DaiostOfEdge
    Respondeu a Anonymous_0075

    Tbh my mc might not use martial arts, mainly just abilities from the templates he gets.

    Ch 4 Fighting A Wolf
    The Multiversal Villain
    Anime e quadrinhos · DaiostOfEdge
  • DaiostOfEdge
    Respondeu a DaoistqZIpiR

    Also you clearly care since if you didn't you wouldn't have commented in the first place, unless you truly are that much of a lonely loser.

    'Where am I?' Silver thought as he looked around, all around him were trees, trees too tall to see out of; even looking up, the sky could barely be seen.
    The Multiversal Villain
    Anime e quadrinhos · DaiostOfEdge
  • DaiostOfEdge
    Respondeu a DaiostOfEdge

    Who are not illiterate*

    'Where am I?' Silver thought as he looked around, all around him were trees, trees too tall to see out of; even looking up, the sky could barely be seen.
    The Multiversal Villain
    Anime e quadrinhos · DaiostOfEdge
  • DaiostOfEdge
    Respondeu a

    And just in case you say something stupid (Which I think you will since reading your comment almost caused half of my brain cells to kill themselves) I want to say this. If you say 'I don't like your book so no, it isn't my entertainment.' Then why did you write this comment in the first place? Are you that lonely? If you say 'There are other books I can read, yours isn't the only one' Then go ahead, your not the only reader are you? And to finish this off, let me say this, I don't care if whoever reading this finds what I said stupid, I mean, everyone wants something, and my something is writing advice, just because you guys are stupid idiots that cant write a readable sentence doesn't mean my WANT is impossible, it just means you have to give your hope to people who are illiterate

    'Where am I?' Silver thought as he looked around, all around him were trees, trees too tall to see out of; even looking up, the sky could barely be seen.
    The Multiversal Villain
    Anime e quadrinhos · DaiostOfEdge
  • DaiostOfEdge
    Respondeu a

    What do you mean? Don't you know about entertainment, reader? Me writing this is your entertainment.....don't tell me you stare at a screen and look at words for no reason at all?

    'Where am I?' Silver thought as he looked around, all around him were trees, trees too tall to see out of; even looking up, the sky could barely be seen.
    The Multiversal Villain
    Anime e quadrinhos · DaiostOfEdge
  • DaiostOfEdge
    Respondeu a Anonymous_0075

    No, my main character isn't a cultivation mc who only wants power. He wants to live a good life, and so if he has a wife and child he wont kill them for such a stupid reason, of course he could and will kill other children and women, it's just that his a realistic MC not a Chinese mc filled with 1,000 plot holes.

    Ch 2 Template
    The Multiversal Villain
    Anime e quadrinhos · DaiostOfEdge
  • DaiostOfEdge
    Respondeu a HaracasAye

    Yeah, But thats just unfortunate for the readers Ig, after all I'm not going to write if I don't get anything out of it, thats a waste of my time after all.

    Ch 3 Training
    The Multiversal Villain
    Anime e quadrinhos · DaiostOfEdge
  • DaiostOfEdge
    Respondeu a DaiostOfEdge
    Ch 2 Template
    The Multiversal Villain
    Anime e quadrinhos · DaiostOfEdge
  • DaiostOfEdge
    Respondeu a Anonymous_0075

    He cares about himself above anything BUT, he isn't an empty shell of nothingness, if he actually decides to take a girl as his wife or whatever then he will be willing to fight for her too, not out of love but out of not wanting something that is HIS to be taken, Everything was stolen from him in his past life and not wanting that to happen again is his only reason to get stronger. My mc isn't a cockroach that is power hungry for no reason, he has a reason and it will be stupid to make plot-holes in that. (In short, 1. Girl offends something stronger than MC. 2. Mc tries to fix it peacefully. 3. Being tries to kill his girl, him, or take his freedom, 4. Mc will fight, not out of pure love just because his a psychopath that wont allow anything to be taken from him.)

    Ch 2 Template
    The Multiversal Villain
    Anime e quadrinhos · DaiostOfEdge
  • DaiostOfEdge
    Respondeu a VenerableDemon

    Nah my mc isn't going to be a lusty protagonist, there are already too much of that.

    Ch 2 Template
    The Multiversal Villain
    Anime e quadrinhos · DaiostOfEdge
  • DaiostOfEdge

    Just Because I Can. ..............................................................................

    The Multiversal Villain
    Anime e quadrinhos · DaiostOfEdge
  • DaiostOfEdge
    Respondeu a DaiostOfEdge

    The rest of this was cut off for me so just in case you can't see it, it says 'If he met someone like Nami he would slice her in half and steal her gold' This would also happen to other pathetic female characters like Sakura. Also the mc wouldn't mind getting with girls such as Esdeath, because even though she would be weak compared to his potential strength she is still strong and has a good personality (In his crazy mind lol)

    Ch 2 Template
    The Multiversal Villain
    Anime e quadrinhos · DaiostOfEdge