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Well if someone did remember, the current world would have already been destroyed so the only remaining options are that there is nobody else from that world, or that whoever survived from Haruto's world did the exact same or similar memory block/erasure maneuver. Someone still having memories at the very least is flat-out not an option.
If I remember correctly, the sky people are the robotic monsters in APHO that attempt to mimic humanity
meanwhile in the second era there is just homu
The guy doesn't get to keep the stockings💀
There is something so cursed about it being alya saying this
He can straight up leak the entire Nagzora plot too as Bronya should have information about Cocolia's plan. Not to forget he could also hold Bronya hostage against Cocolia.
Translation is good! btw, for anyone who wants to know the og Chinese title, its : 崩坏,我带你们打 You can find it on