

2022-02-11 JoinedGlobal



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  • PinkPencil
    PinkPencil8 months ago

    If there is one word to describe this work, it would be... bland. Extremely so... I'll try to make the review as spoiler-less as I can. Lets start with the MC. He is so bland that sometimes I even doubted him being the mc. He has no personality whatsoever. The author tried to slap on some 'quirkiness' to him but it all seemed so superficial that it almost made me roll my eyes. Whatever 'uniqueness' he had to himself (due to his golden finger) was quickly negated after his 'core powers' were shared among his harem. Yep, the thing that should have set such a bland MC aside from anyone was also distributed among others... and it was a one way transaction too... he doesn't get anything in return except for making his harem members stronger (which they already were...). Honestly, the harem members have more uniqueness and are more interesting than the MC himself, thats never a good sign(but I still slogged through this work). The harem was also pretty bog standard for a naruto fanfic but I can't really complain about it, it is what it is. Except for the first two, there really isn't much of an impactful development for the rest and are extremely rushed(like literally skipping through the whole development phase). What irks me the most is that, except for some, the rest of the harem members have the tag of 'waiting for the MC to save me from being r*ped/ forced into prostitution/ becoming a breeding cow and then fall for him'. Thats just how the initial interactions with his harem members go... I get that the world of Naruto is extremely f*cked up but even then, many harem members just didn't get r*ped in the canon but the author just twisted things for it to happen for his own conveniences. Not to mention, this all happens almost exclusively to minors... Its not a wish-fulfillment fanfic and I didn't expect or want that anyways but this is just pure BS at its finest. The harem members are also extremely OP (since they have access to the MCs golden finger) to the extent that there doesn't seem to be a point for the MC even existing except for the fact that he is their 'hubby'. There isn't really much lemon content but I'm glad that there isn't much since the author really sucks at writing those. The few lemon scenes are like reading the christian scripture of 'how to procreate at the wedding night'. The story development is also very boring to say the least, it's just third-rate 'scheming and manipulation in the shadows' for most part. Nothing really impactful ever happens, nothing to even mildly pump your blood, most of the content is either training, developing or just scheming. The fights are okay I guess but lack any impact whatsoever. To keep it spoiler-less, I'll end it this segment on this note but nonetheless I hope it gets my point across. I honestly feel like a b*tch for writing this review so negatively but after slogging through this work I honestly feel this way. The author has alot of potential, the writing quality is also pretty good, its just that the story itself is really really bland... Thank you for reading my 'not so little' review. Also if no paragraphing appears in the review, don't blame it on me, I paragraphed it all, it's just this app is messing things alot. Anyway, ba bye.

  • PinkPencil
    PinkPencil8 months ago

    I need to be lobotomized after reading this. Ooga Booga English(its unreadable to the point that I'm second-guessing if it is a troll novel), 'Intelligent and genius MC' who doesn't know jack sh*t about planning, forcefully inserting incorrect science into magic and mysticism (e.g. -3000 degree Celsius is a thing now), and many many more... you got it all here. Someone please tell me how this 'word-barf' is getting people to root for it, I smell something fishy.

  • PinkPencil
    PinkPencil10 months ago
    Replied to Dinky_Du

    Thanks dude! I would love to create more dynamic characters but I also fear that I might be getting too tunnel visioned into the character aspect of the novel. From the demographics I see, most of my audience is Males, and as a dude I feel like I'll probably bore myself reading my novel. I'll have to figure out a proper ratio of these aspects to make the story progress faster without making it all seem shallow.

  • PinkPencil
    PinkPencila year ago

    This one was good too.Again, none of these illustrations belong to me. If you want me to remove them, please contact me.

  • PinkPencil
    PinkPencila year ago

    Felix Hudson This illustration doesn't belong to me. If you are the creator of this fantastic illustration and want me to remove it please contact me. But if possible then please don't, finding good pictures of guys on the internet is hard.... figures...

  • PinkPencil
    PinkPencila year ago
    Replied to Dinky_Du

    I understand your concerns and thank you for that but it's the main inspiration for making this novel. The role-playing and adventure aspect is really what I'm after in this novel. I don't know if I'll be able to do it justice but I'll try my best. Of course, the novel won't be devoid of guild stuff, they'll be added to spice things up and for some tasteful face-slapping.

  • PinkPencil
    PinkPencila year ago
    Replied to Dinky_Du

    Thanks man, I am getting some rest today, hehe

  • PinkPencil
    PinkPencila year ago
    Replied to PinkPencil

    Just imagine a less busty version with longer hair

  • PinkPencil
    PinkPencila year ago
    Replied to Dinky_Du

    Ehh, thank you very much! As for Nora... we'll have to see...hehehe