"We know what we are, but know not what we may be." - Shakespeare ----------
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I see. Well, most of what you don't understand will be explained much more thoroughly later on just like you said. Anyway, thanks for your input, it helps a lot. Oh! Also, there already has been an explanation of the Ark creature's ranks — although brief. If you go to chapter 15 titled - "Critical Aspect," the creatures are categorized in Grades. Special Grade being the weakest, and Great Grade being the strongest. Thanks for your perspective, though, I'll be sure to make an auxiliary chapter highlighting what you noted.
Kind of hard to not be biased towards your own novel, so I'll leave the real reviews for the genuine readers. Anyway, I'll be treating this as my Q&A so if there's anything you want to ask, feel free! :D
Thank you for the kind review! :D Also, if you can give me a few examples of what’s hard to follow, that’d be great for me as an author. Maybe then I can create a sort of “reminder” chapter for those that have a hard time following the terminology.
Noted! :]
Thank you! :D
No, the Infinity Element is one of many in the tapestry of the Ark.
No need to apologize. I enjoy reading comments where the reader is immersed behind the decisions and thinking of each character, and frankly invite such comments. Your perspective shines a new light and let’s me see another point of view behind their decisions. I did not see your comment as insensitive at all. And thank you! :]
Well, to June, it’s already been proven that the Shackled Spirit’s words hold substance. His explanation of the truth behind the fog was something he experienced himself (the whisper.) So, putting his trust in the Spirit’s words was easy, because apart from everything else, it actually made sense to him. But I get what you’re trying to say, and in a way, it is a bit foolish not to trust in Gemm’s judgement. But remember, June himself felt Gemm’s judgement was clouded by her lack of trust regarding anything. All I can say is continue reading and perhaps you’ll change your mind :]
Thank you :]