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very enjoyable story, just wondering why he is such a douche towards Fenix. it seems kinda off brand for Cain, like Fenix keeps getting dissed and punished, when all he does is help the mc
TFTC, it seems like its starting to pick up. excited to see the future of this novel
this is getting a bit repetetive
really confused about his strength, he easily defeated a level 9 monster, but got whooped by a level 10 one, and would he actually be able to beat Alice?
nice chap, maybe the 168 years were'nt a complete waste
i get wanting to downplay your strength, but this is just straight up annoying, but if he doesnt join a guild and stay independent, it will be a little more bearable
whenr r18 is as small of a part of the story as it is in this one, why on earth would u risk alienating a big portion of readers by adding something as divisive as yuri, i get that it might be your preference, it just seems like a case of obvious self sabotage?
is it gonna stay that way or is Ethan going to really stand out as a MC should later on?
thats fair, still not a fan of it, but the story is pretty good so ill keep reading
how strong is Ethan compared to Trevor at this point, right now you are kinda making them into the same character.