Well~ You Can call me Lana! Lana-chan~ uhm uhm I like reading novels,mangas and whatching anime..... I prefer villains characters(cold and powerful ones too) the most🤩! Well that's all- I guess...?
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It isn't that great but it's not that bad either. The plot is kinda good but it gets boring after a while. The grammar is not that great but for me, who reads mtl it's in an acceptable range.. Overall 2.6/5(u can say that it's average)
Sorry I don't get what u mean
Amazing pls continue
Nice work😁
Amazing continue
Wut the heck she is probably way younger than him-
Is this a harem story? Man r u serious- why waste such a good fanfic duh
Ninguem vai entender e vai ficar tudo torto, pq o google tradutor n traduz bem:p