Just a bored person looking for an adventure to read.
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Surprisingly well written for the first 50+ chapters. Writing style is decent and the story is easily followable. I was expecting a heavy wish granting type of story but this is not bad. Suggestions: - Elaborate directly if the mc fully inherited his predecessor's memories - Background on what happened to the predecessor, even just snippets - flesh out the academic side of the MC, he is a professor, he should act and work like one. The story only shows his adventures and rarely the mundane life of professor. Also, the story portrays him to be able to diagnose a Pokemon with little clues which shouldn't be because that is absolutely bad in the practice of psychology, he'd be labeled a fraud if he keeps doing this. - Should have some latent/untapped psychic potential if he wants to bs his way in psychology - The pokemons that he is supposed to have should be obtained logically. How in the heavens did an alolan Vulpix get into Sinnoh if Alola was a new addition to the league after x and y, Alolan Vulpix and Ninetales live high up in the harsh and snowy mountains so there is absolutely no way that ordinary peeps can get one. If poachers, how are they so incompetent to lose a variant vulpix? - Little to no description of his home, needs to be fixed as it will be an important place unless the plot suggests otherwise (MC fully adopting the trainer label)
Now I'm pretty much convinced that this is connected to Fey Evolution Merchant
Nice story but is pretty much a blatant copy of another story. Give us originality please
The language they're using is killing me, good lord. Why are they speaking like wannabe-cool immature teenagers in the first place? Aren't they supposed to be in an era where Nobility Hierarchy is strict? Where is the decorum with the characters? This urgently needs a rewrite
Hope you get well soon Author! We will be awaiting for your return!
Is this dropped Author?