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Yeah, that’s backwards, 2.2 lbs = 1 kg
Insufficient data to make such a judgment
So there’s the hint we needed to confirm that Nuri and Yaana are one and the same
Yeah, I try that with my cat all the time, never works
Serious question, will it still be possible to get the highest level badge without unlocking the “do not unlock” chapters? Assuming, of course, this story gets the badge it deserves.
Ryu seems to have forgotten that the winner writes history and changing a losers name to adversely impact their faith etc. is probably a reasonable move on the part of the winners
I can’t imagine anything as sad as the idea that I. The entire immortal plane, there is nowhere to take a bath…
Sooo, ancient sky god tongue is Japanese?
You are forgetting that Ryu had another waifu, how could his devoted death guard Nuri not follow him into reincarnation