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man this review sucks
I use to read this a lot. It was really good, but later on it started to get less and less interesting starting with the Fate Arc. Which wasn't the worst thing ever but it just got boring to me, then there was the Konosuba Arc which completely took out the MC. It's fine to take out the MC for a little but it lasted way too long to me. Not to mention it just stopped being DxD at some point. Which feels weird when it's in the title. I felt like the DxD World should have been more prominent rather than being more of like he just lives there thing. Overall: Not the worst but not the best. Probably just a little above average when you factor in the latest arcs.
I like the idea of split abilities related to The Gamer, and the writing and background are also solid. Only critique isn't really critique but is more like a comment about how the updates are very sporatic.
Don't worry, I know where it is from to... 🙁
I don't want to do this