Hi! My name is Minette Enfers and I have an English BA with a creative writing certificate. I love to write contemporary, historical, paranormal, and bdsm erotic romance novels with deeper meanings.
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Thank you so much for the comment! It made my night and made me feel like what I write is worth it. You nailed my intentions with my writing exactly. I strive to make people feel less alone and to know it's okay to be yourself and to help some understand things they may not. 😊 I know this is really old, but I just happened to see it, and you have no idea how much this helped me. 💜 Thank you for reading my stories!
Although, it won't drop on here until I finish book 6 as a whole. :) Once I do that then I'll start to drop it on here. :) It makes it easier on me since I self-publish this series onto Kindle first and then hand it over to be dropped onto the app. :)
Hi! Awww thank you so much! I'm so glad you love it! I am currently working on another series, but I will come back to this one to continue it. :) I love Carter and Ari too much to let them go. lol So, yes, I will eventually be coming out with more. :) I wasn't sure if I should end it or not at five. So, you helped me decide to keep working on it. :) So, thank you for that too!
Hi! I just wanted to come on here and thank you all for reading and supporting this series! It's one of my favorites that I have written and for whatever reason I can't let these characters go. lol I just wanted to share how grateful I am that you have all read and supported this and I hope you continue to love Carter and Ari as much as I do. <3
Thank you so, so, much for the amazing comment! I'm glad that you enjoyed it multiple times. It means a lot to me! <3
This story is so good that I can't stop reading it!!!! lol It's addicting and the history and everything else is so good! The use of the five senses really makes you feel engrossed in the story. I can't wait to continue reading it!
Awwwww this is a really sweet story so far. I love how they talk to one another, and peanut butter milkshakes sound delicious! The lore and world building so far is really interesting as well. I'm excited to read more!
Thank you so much for the wonderful and amazing review! It made my day!
Awww Thank you so much! I'm glad you're enjoying it! I hope you continue to! <3
Thank you so much for this amazing comment!