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Oh okay good
What happened to trying for the ghost version
It is really good………………………………….. that’s all
It’s alright personally I think there are more Pokémon fics like this that are better but it’s far from the worse. The first few chapters felt like a chore to read but it slowly starts to get better. Will probably update this as more chapters come out
Yeah but it would not be the first time someone was falsely put in a saw trap
Yeah he would be I was thinking second movie in the mansion
Love it paying your father with the money he gave you
Minor Psychic abilities meanwhile he can put a Beedrill to sleep lol
Started off strong but the last couple chapters have been lack luster. Once the merge happened I feel as if the OC became more boring. It’s not bad though
You know usually you are not suppose to put a letter as if you are texting when expressing dialogue in writing but with how he is him just saying the letter K makes too much sense