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when did that happen
sorry for the one who translated this, but this is a trash fan fic, and I will stop reading cause I've had enough but thank for your effort
but they didn't have a plan this is all a fabrication, not even based on speculation or theories
is the original author trying to make zeno appear like an angel or something cause zono isn't like that at all even if he began to think he wouldn't be so cunning at all
how did he know that it wasn't mentioned in canon . really, those speculations is like the author never watch the same DB we watched or read
I just want to know, but where is tien
are u for real? Shouldn't it be your wish cannot be granted. Choose another wish
in the future, I suggest deleting these things or changing them cause it makes most of the reades want to vomit
typical Chinese line, which contradicts with beerus character🤮🤮🤮
it's obvious that the original author didn't understand anything about dbs cause fist of all zeno isn't that smart and second there wasn't such rule and third it was goku who suggested the tournament not zeno he even had to remind him .