A silent wooper
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Don't got enough time to finish that 10k word pile to be readable so no. But here's my final words to you, Authorus Disaphearus.
I decided to update the information sheet and added world rules and do's and don'ts that exists check it out as it may answer some questions. Next chapter may take a while but its already has a lot so I may cut it again, going back to work tomorrow so this maybe my last update for now until the next chapter comes out.
I said it before in a comment but again ....... I think of it more close to Go's giant Golurk but if I ever rethink this and make it a true godlike giant Pokémon like in the anime which other fanfics calls as King gene then Al won't live long enough to see it. If I consider it as a king gene then I can ass them as Pokemon with very extended life spans going over thousands of years. Only one per species can exist at a time and every 10 years "decade" they will grow 1 meter in height so around 2400 years they will be the literal size of Godzilla in King of the monsters. I decided this as I imagine king gene as true king of its species close to reaching legendary status. An episode of the anime showed a giant kaiju sized Alakazam, Gengar, and Jigglypuff with strange markings, I may use this and say that once a giant Pokémon or king gene reach huge size over 100 m+ and several thousands of year in age it gains this markings which absorbs its excess energy but fundamentally stopping its growth after 150m and upon reaching ten thousand or so years in its life it then uses the stored energy in the marking to transforms/evolve into a new legendary Pokémon. To make the back story more flushed lets say that Arceus put this potential in every Pokémon but it rarely ever awakens "like the mutant gene in marvel Xmen". It was to allow every species of Pokémon to have a chance to ascend to legendary status. Another good thing to add is saying that Eternatus with its unlimited otherworldly energy is able to momentarily awaken this genes, affecting nearby Pokémon leading to Dynamax. Gmax is going even beyond going close to what they would look if they turned into legendary Pokemon albeit not fully reaching the full transformation to legendary status. But this have a lot of plot holes with one being existence of legendary Dynamax Pokémon. Right now Zweilous height is 3.2 meters or 10.5 feet a bit higher than a single floor of a building and to reach Rayquaza legendary status he will need 39 m more floors of building height. But this is all just a theory I don't like Al to have a Kaiju sized Pokémon as there's a limit to how much bs plot armor I can put and try to explain logically and I've already put a lot in the story and still plan to add more as long as it does not make me cringe at the ridiculousness of it all as no Poffin in the world can make a Pokémon version of King Ghidorah full. It is fun to think that every battle will be something like Dynamax battle.
This is something I took from the Black Tyranitar from the manga which was a beast.
Can't say I am but If the sad day comes that I ever decide to drop this story and stop writing I will post a chapter about it. My time is just not enough this days for this hobby so don't expect much follow up so soon so ........
If I finish a chapter I posts it. How long it takes? Yeah can't write as much as I used too so like always nowadays .......
From the start, I never looked into conveying Mc's emotion when the POV is on him and only add it when another person's perspective is in play but I might try it out in the future. Thanks for the advice.
I did not put it in but that thing is a young one
I left clues on the Information Sheet on Pokémon he will catch in the future.